Imagine #1- The perfect mistake Part 1

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Your P.O.V.

You were driving around Virginia. Your best friend, Vanessa had recently moved down to Woodbridge. The ride was long from New York, 9-10 ish hours in total. She had moved to a nice place with her boyfriend and it was your first time coming down to meet her. When you planned this, your notes on how to get to her house were very precise but you made a huge mistake. You had spilled your tea over it in the car and it was very hard to read now. You moved your car to the side of the road, in order to try to get the address again. The last step had a street named Tait, or that's what it appeared to be. So, you went with your gut and decided to use that as the final destination street. Also, you remembered that she lived in an odd numbered house and it was 30's number. You entered the number into your IPhone and the GPS gave you directions.

*about 10 minutes later*

You were taking a left onto Tait and driving down the street. The first house number was in the hundred's so you had sometime before you reached the 30's. A lot of the houses were massive. You knew both of them had a good job but these were absolutely amazing. You looked at a near mailbox and it said 43, you were getting close! You finally approached 37 but something did not feel right about the number so you stopped at 33. You leaped out of the car and grabbed your bag. After, you grabbed a bag with a few small presents and walked up the stone walkway. You didn't even acknowledge that the door might be locked and you walked right in!

"Hey Vanessa, it's so nice to be at your new house! This place is stunning, how are you paying for this?" You put down the bag before hearing a male voice. It didn't sound like her boyfriend and she certainly did not mention anyone else being there. You heard it again and looked at the top of the stairs to see a teenage boy at the top.

"Uhhhhh.... do I know you?" The boy stated. He looked confused and he ran his hand through his dirty blond hair. "Ummm... I wasn't expecting to see another boy here, is Vanessa here?" He looked at you and seemed to be even more puzzled than before.

This boy was pretty darn cute. He had on a beanie, with a red Hollister t-shirt and some nice jeans. He was standing at the top of the stairs and started to walk down while holding onto the banister. He jumped off the last step and walked closer to you. He was seemingly taller and his eyes were an adorable brown color.

"Who the heck is Vanessa?" He questioned.

"Isn't this her house?"

"No, this is my house. I'm Matt by the way." He put out his hand. You lightly shook it before putting your hand back on one of your hips.

You replied "I'm (Y/N)."

"Anyways, I am so sorry, Matt! I thought this was her house! I'm from out of state and I'm coming to stay with her since she just moved down here. I spilled my drink on the directions and I thought it said 33 Tait. I'm really sorry! I'll just grab my stuff and find out where she actually is." Your arms reached for your bags. You gave a slight smile and turned around. Before, you could even make one step; Matt grabbed your arm and pulled you back.

He didn't stop there either; he put you over his shoulder and carried you over to what looked like a really nice living room. "Matt, what the hell are you doing?" He didn't listen and plopped you down on the couch. He fixed a cushion and then sat down next to you. "I can help you find your friend's house. I didn't wanna seem rude, and I know this town pretty well. Plus, I wasn't going to let someone as gorgeous as you just leave my house that quickly." You turned and you face turned bright pink. It was an awesome compliment and you felt some small butterflies inside your stomach.

After a few seconds, you looked back into his eyes and you smiled "Oh my gosh, you're Matt Espinosa! I watch your vines all the times, you are hilarious and trust me you are very attractive." Matt's face was like a pure tomato and he was smirking. Once it was over he looked back at you.

Matt smiled and said " Ya, I am and I'm glad you didn't start freaking out on me about this. Now how about you go get that paper?" You nodded your head and went to the car. You opened the door and reached for the paper sitting near the cup holder. You quickly grabbed it and squealed a little think Matt Espinosa, out of all people, was spending time with you. The car door slammed shut and when you turned around Matthew pushed you against the car.

He slowly touched your face with his thumb and he brushed his lips against yours. Out of nowhere, his lips crashed completely into yours and he pressed you firmly against your buggy. There was a major spark as your lips moved together. They fit like a puzzle and his hands snaked around your waist. You moved your hands to his neck. He smiled through this kiss and then softly kissed you again. Your face was bright red and he slung his arm around you while walking up the sidewalk to his house. "Now that I have accomplished what was bothering me, let's go inside and figure this whole situation out." You nodded while burying your head into his chest, his arm wrapped even tighter and pulled you closer to him.

He opened the door and still kept his arm over your shoulder. "So, after we figure out where your friend lives, would you mind going to get dinner together before you head over to her place?" He looked deeply into your eyes and was beaming a small smile on his face. You definitely wanted to but that look made it even more impossible to even utter the word no. You then said "Yes, Matt I would love to." He ushered you over to the dining room table and you sat together. He grabbed your hand and intertwined it with yours. His chair scooted closer and closer. All of the sudden, he gave you a sincere hug and you did the same back. After a while, he helped you figure out you were a few streets off and then he took you to a lovely dinner at Olive Garden. It was your favorite dinner and he told you a lot about his adventures with the magcon boys and his life in general. You guys had dished out all things from secrets to embarrassing moments to possible feelings about each other.

After, you went back to Matt's house and you changed into some pajama pants and a tank top. You wiped off the light make-up one your face and went up to his room. "Goodnight Matt! Vanessa and her boyfriend want to go out to an amusement park... and they said I could invite you, if you wanted." Matt smiled and said "I love amusement parks, and it will be great to go with you. Oh and (Y/N) would you...uhh... never mind?" He turned his head and you saw nerves splash across his defined features.

"Matt, what were you going to ask me?" You quietly said while sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Well, I kinda wanted you to stay up here with me tonight but that might be pushing it... I'm sorry it was stupid." He laid back down on his pillow and you pulled the covers. You got into the bed and moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you and realized he didn't have a shirt on... or pants. "Matt, why don't you have pants on?"

"I sleep in my boxers, is that a bad thing?"

His voice was deeper and he flashed a sexy smirk across his lips. You leaned towards him and your faces were inches apart. The gap slowly closed and he leaned in. Your lips connected and it was a deep, passionate kiss. The kiss lasted a few minutes before you stopped. You leaned your head back against his chest and he kissed your forehead. Your eyelids were feeling heavy and you fell asleep with Matthew holding you tightly.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now