Imagine #38- A Merry Little Christmas After All

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Here's a little short story, I quickly wrote up! I hope you all enjoy!

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. Besides all of the stress to get really good presents and the pile of work before the long break, it is amazing. Seeing the beautiful lights and decorations scattered across people's lawns ,showing their own Christmas spirit. 

I loved the overall mood too. People were happier and everything just felt not as harsh. So many people come together to celebrate an amazing holiday and I really wanted everyone to understand how amazing it is to feel this way once a year. 

I had wrapped so many gifts this year and even though it took time, I loved doing it with all my heart. It was great to show my gratitude towards Jesus and my religion along with all my family and friends. I was only asking for a few things this year and one was to see my boyfriend, Matt on Christmas day.

Matt had been away for a very long time touring the world. I had joined for the first half but I realized I was getting in the way. He had to be worrying about me and what was going on in the hotel or the bus. 

I flew back home to Virginia and went back to college. I see him every few months and I have been in college 3 years. He has gotten so big so once one tour ends another will begin. I mean he is totally irresistible and he is absolutely hilarious. 

Who wouldn't love him is the actual question to be asked. I had gotten out of school the 22nd of December. And it was getting closer and closer to Christmas. 

Today me and one of my close friends were going shopping for gifts. I always got Matt gifts and sent them away if he couldn't come. 

This year I was just asking for some simple clothing and I new iPhone. But most of all, Matt. 

He was always number one on my list. 

I missed him more than anything so I prayed to God so hard he could actually come this year. 

Each time something would come up and we would Facetime but I couldn't help being really upset. He was my boyfriend and I loved him. I just wished I could see him more. 

The days started approaching faster and Matt texted me. 

Babe, I'm really disappointed because I can't make it this year because all the flights were full and I couldn't get a private flight either. They are so incompetent and I am dearly sorry that I cannot come to spend it with the sexiest and best girl in the world.

I saw the text and started to ball my eyes out. It was very upsetting and I closed the bathroom door, I took a long hot shower and cried about how I would be Mattless again for another Christmas. 

It was one of the best days and it hurt me so much to know that he wouldn't be there. 

I went to sleep on Christmas Eve knowing it would not be the same because Matt was not going to be there. 

I woke up the next morning, a little upset but I could not let his absence kill the day. It would still be a great Christmas. 

Everyone filed down the stairs and we all ran to the tree. I was still a child when it came to seeing the tree Christmas morning. 

I started to open up the gifts and everything I got was perfect. The clothing was awesome and I even got the new phone! 

My mother, father, and sister adored all the gifts I got for them since it was exactly what they wanted. 

When we finished everything seemed in slow motion. I loved seeing everyone happy but I couldn't help but feel upset that he wasn't there. 

He would always be the number one present on my list. I offered to start making breakfast and walked to the kitchen. 

"(Y/N) some present is here for you. I think mom got it for you." 

I opened the door and there was a teddy bear. The person handed it to me and in a weird voice said 

"Here you go miss." 

I took the bear and then I saw Matt! 

I threw the bear behind me and jumped into Matt's arms. 

I looked into his eyes and kissed him with all the passion I had inside of me. 

I felt tears in my eyes as I kept kissing him. Seeing him there was the best present ever. 

It made all of the others seem even more amazing and now I could share such a special day with him. 

I got off of him and hugged him. A few more tears fell off my face and Matt wiped them away. 

"Babe why are you crying?" 

"Because I got what I wanted, and I couldn't be happier."

Matt sat down and we spent the rest of the day together. 

We cuddled together and with the bear, spent time with the family, enjoyed the nice fire, and ate a lot more than we should have. 

Being with Matt just made Christmas complete, he was like the bow on top of a present. 

This was a merry little Christmas after all, for the whole family.

Matt Espinosa ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now