[11] 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗛𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆

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𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩

Once the clock struck midnight, the yacht carrying Lucillious and Zadkiel arrived at Reito Island. This secluded island was shrouded in an eerie quietness, with only a handful of residents who were familiar with its owner, Thatchers.

As they disembarked, four intimidating figures dressed in black awaited them, ready to escort them to a house on the island.

"Bienvenidos de nuevo a la isla Reito, Sr. Lucillious y Zadkiel." (Welcome back to Reito Island, Mr. Lucillious and Zadkiel.) one of the men greeted, prompting Lucillious to nod in acknowledgment and proceed towards the house.

However, their arrival was interrupted by the sudden appearance of an elderly man, causing the men in black to tense up and reach for their weapons. The men in black swiftly raised their weapons, but Lucillious motioned for restraint, recognizing the weathered face of the old man from his distant memories.

"Viejo, Emong." (Manong Emong) he uttered, reminiscing about his past encounters with the man during his younger days on the island.

Despite Zadkiel's aloof demeanor, he observed the unfolding interaction with keen interest. Manong Emong expressed his joy at seeing Lucillious again after nine long years, hinting at a long-awaited reunion that left Lucillious puzzled.

Leading them to the elegant yet antiquated interior of their home, Manong Emong revealed that he had been faithfully looking after the property in their absence. As they settled around the table, Lucillious requested wine and food from the men in black, eager to unravel something that awaited him.

"Han pasado nueve largos anos. He esperado tu regreso." (It's been nine long years. I've awaited your return) Manong Emong revealed, his eyes reflecting both joy and solemnity. Confusion clouded Lucillious's thoughts as he struggled to comprehend the old man's cryptic words.

"Por que me estabas esperando?" (Why have you been expecting me?) he inquired, prompting the old man to summon a hidden object. One of the men in black retrieved a dusty old box from a nearby room, placing it before Lucillious.

Upon opening the box, Lucillious was stunned to find a pair of intricately designed daggers resting inside, a set that bore a striking resemblance to each other, as if they were twins separated at birth. A dusty box materialized, bearing a name with an initials of M.C

Zadkiel scrutinized the blades, sensing a hidden significance within their design.

"El hombre me ordeno que te diera esto, a pesar del nombre grabado en la caja." (The man instructed me to give this to you, despite the name etched on the box.) Manong Emong divulged, his voice laden with unspoken secrets and unfulfilled prophecies.

As Mang Emong bid his farewell, Lucillious directed his men to escort him out, and then he found himself alone on the veranda, the weight of the dagger heavy in his hands and his mind fraught with questions. The old man had claimed the dagger was meant for him, yet the initials engraved upon it did not match his own. Instead, they belonged to an unknown M.C., a revelation that only deepened Lucillious intrigue.

Despite his uncertainty, Lucillious felt compelled to honor the stranger's wishes. The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air as he made up his mind to bring the daggers back to the base. There, perhaps, the answers he sought would finally revealed.

The Causatum of Revenge: Thatcher SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now