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I can't believe im leaving middle school behind. Im not ready to leave my two best friends. Although I am ready to start fresh. Dean and I broke up not long ago, it's odd to say I don't miss him enough to let it
affect me.

Our principal is giving us all our special diplomas and stuff like that. Under my gown I have a white dress on my body with small brown flowers surrounding it. It's pretty if you ask me, but it will be under a gown so it doesn't really matter.

In my luck, I have Lucas on one side of me. I should be excited I'll never have to see him again, but something tells me he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

My name finally gets called and I go to walk toward lacy. Presley is farther up the line because her last name is sooner in the alphabet.

Even though I will have to make new friends in high school, at least when I get home I'll see lacy and presley sitting on my swings. Hopefully

We all carpool home together with my older sister driving us. Enchanted by Taylor Swift is blasting through the speakers now. It isn't something I'd play for a celebration, but it works.

I'm still okay with enchanted playing though. The only problem with this song is I have no love life. It isn't relatable. I wish I had a boyfriend to dance to this song to in the rain, but I think im too much of a hopeless romantic.

I didn't want today to end but it finally sums up to midnight and im still awake with lacy and presley sitting on my floor and we are talking about all of the best and worse things that happened this year.

"I cant believe dean waited to dump you until just a week ago" said Lacy.

"I know, who knew he could be such a player. Honestly I rather date lucas"
Presley boldly proposes.

"Lucas? That's literally disgusting. Nobody likes lucas. He can go fall into a lake and drown." I proudly speak my thoughts. False ones, possibly.

After two more hours of gossip, candy, and karaoke we finally decided that we should lower our volume and end the moment and move on. Im just sitting in my bed with my sleepshorts and hoodie on. Lacy and presley last time I checked were arguing over something marvel related, but I tuned them out as soon as I decided to put my airpods in and listen to music for a little while.

Its now five in the morning. I woke up after a few hours of sleep. Loud music blasts in my ears and I was considering taking these airpods out, but then I remembered lacy sleep talks and presley snores so thats not an option. Lacy is asleep on my swing chair and presley is on the other corner of my bed with my blanket puddling on her.

I fall back asleep for a while as now the three of us part ways and I wave good bye. I decide to eat breakfast even though its noon. After that I step into my shower and listen to my shower music and have my concert like every girl does.

Im relaxing on my swing chair now just thinking. I haven't really gotten to comprehend the fact that the boy I always wanted to be with has nothing to do with me. I realize now he wasnt really a good boyfriend. He dumped me and told me he thought our relationship was weird because it felt fake. He accused me of flirting with lucas. Lucas. I understand if dean doesn't want to date me but if the reason is lucas thats just ridiculous. I was not that upset with dean dumped me until now. I just wish my first love could be better. Hopefully my high school life is better.

I cant wait to start fresh.

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