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After both me and Lucas hang up with who we were calling he comes back in the living room.

He speaks up "do you want to see the rest of my house?"

I respond with a nod.

I nod a lot, but what else am I supposed to do?

He keeps walking and I follow him. He is not too short. I am a solid 5'5. He looks like he could be like 5'8 or 5'9.

He then stops at a kitchen. The nice light blue and white checkered tiles cover the floor. The all white and grey appliances all square around the kitchen.

I like the way this house is designed.

"This is very nice so far" I tell him.

He blushes and thanks me.

He gets red in the face so easy, and I don't mean this to be weird but his cheeks are so cute I want to squish them.

For now I am indeed talking about the ones on his face.

For now.

I guess I got lost in thought for a moment because when I snap out of my space out lucas is waving his hand in my face.

Nothing is embarrassing unless you make it embarrassing.

I'm making it embarrassing.

"I spaced out there."

He shakes his head and ends the moment, "I'm gonna show you my room and the bathroom so we can get dinner and be on our way for the movie."

Is it bad I haven't thought anything of any other things since I was in his presence? Not even essential things like eating.

He continues to walk a few steps and opens the door.

I am greeted with a big bed.

That looks like it would definitely be more comfortable for two people then one. He would get so cold by himself. Nobody likes getting cold, or at least I dont.

I keep looking around. There is a desk on the next wall and a dresser on the opposite wall.

This room is bland.

"This room is boring. It needs a makeover."

"Shut up Sydney. I don't even want to imagine your room."

"I have a beautiful room."

"Its probably even more mucous then mocous lucas"

Am I supposed to be offended by that?

"What the heck does that even mean?"

His cheeks well up rosy again. "I dont even know."

We both laugh in sync and I feel my heart pound.

Out of all of our interests do our hearts also beat in sync sometimes? 

As we still are only standing in the doorway he points at the door right next to his room.

"And I'm guessing you are pointing at the bathroom?"

He nods his head.

"We should probably have dinner. Do you prefer home cooking together or takeout?"

"Im not too good at cooking, we would have to do it together."

He smirks at my remark.

Maybe I do flirt with lucas just like dean said I did.

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