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After two days of normal school i haven't really talked too much to lucas.

I have been trying to get used to all of the changes and such, but that doesn't stop me from thinking of him.

I haven't seen him in the halls.

I haven't gotten any calls.

The dreamer in me was hoping that it would be more then just one night of a fairytale.

Im being delusional, love that i want only happens in a book.

Romance is dead, but im a sucker for it.

If he cares he will come through, if he doesn't im wasting my time.

Im driving home from school now, its a thrusday which means im not going home, but to therapy.

The appointment is scheduled half an hour after school which gives me time to get myself together after my school day.

I decide on just playing harry styles on the way there.

Thats one thing i can do right.

Sweet creature is on. Of course it had to be a love song, but I'd never skip it.

After a bit of Harry styles, red lights, and hands on the wheel i get to therapy three minutes before the session starts.

This is my first session, my mom insisted it would be good to have one moving from home.

My aunt had this therapist before she moved about a year ago, and thats how i know she is a good one to keep.

I collect myself and head into the building to start my session.

"Its nice to meet you Sydney, you can call me sabrina."

"Its nice to meet you too."

We have an ice breaker session and then talk about my aunt, and Sabrina tells me we share a smile.

Unfortunately three months after my aunt moved from this city she was hospitalized because of an abusive man hurting her.

Id say ex boyfriend as an explanation but he doesn't even deserve that title.

After hospitalization she passed away in a chicago hospital.

Kill all men.

I get into my car after the session and drive to Wendys to pick up dinner for me lacy and presley.

I arrive home and we just have a casual night, nothing special. Sooner then later i call it a day and head to bed.

Of course i am thinking of lucas. I don't have the guts to call, so im just waiting to see him in person.

I don't want it to be a one time thing and i didn't think he wanted it to be either.

Is he okay?

Did i do something wrong?

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