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"Are you done with the glue?" Presley holds it for me while I glue the hearts and cut out letters on the box.

"This looks adorable so far, he's gonna love it." Lacy says with a bright smile.

"Are we sure it isn't too cheesy?"

"Who cares?!" They say at the same time.

The box is almost done, but I still need to write all of the sticky notes.

"I don't need anymore glue, it's done."

100 Reasons Why I love you, It says in pretty purple letters.

"Do we even have enough sticky notes?"

"I bought the new ones, fifty light purples and fifty white ones."  Lacy flips through them.

The box is clear with a white tint. There are purple letters and purple hearts surrounding it, and the notes will go inside the slots.

"Do you have 100 reasons why you love him?" And it's when Presley says that that I realize how many reasons I'll need.

"It might take awhile, but I will have one hundred reasons."

"Name some," She says back to me.

"Well, his smile is adorable, his laugh is contagious, his bed head is madly attractive, his hand fits in mine like it's made for me, he doesn't lie, he has nice arms, he's hot, he's respectful, the list goes on."

"You need 92 more," Lacy widens her eyes.

"I'll get there."


Lucas's birthday is in three days.

He said that the day of Cristian is coming from Florida, and I should invite Presley and Lacy over for cake. I told him we might as well just do it at my house, and he agreed.

I know that he isn't the biggest fan of cake, so I am going to make him brownies.
I can't bake to save my life, but Madeline makes great brownies, so she is going to send me a good recipe and hopefully someone else is around to make sure I don't burn the house down.

I want to make the day as great for him as I can.


I am literally so in love with her that it makes me nauseous.

She's perfect, and I miss her like crazy.

I'm insanely excited to see her in a few days, that's the only good thing about my birthday.

That and being able to see Cristian again.

The main reason I wanted Lacy and Presley to be there, is because I know for sure that he likes Presley. He won't admit it but it's crystal clear. He still talks about her.

He never talks about anything so much

Still, he claims that he doesn't have feelings for her.

Speaking of feelings, my heart flutters when I see that Sydney texted.

The only way I know is because my Siri decided to tell me that "My beautiful girlfriend" is sending messages.

My beautiful girlfriend: You excited for Sunday????

Me: The only thing exciting about it is seeing you.

My beautiful girlfriend: You'll love your present

Me: You got me a gift?

My beautiful girlfriend:Be so serious, why wouldn't I???

Me: I don't need one

My beautiful girlfriend: Excited to see Cristian?

Me: Yea, think he has a thing for your friend.

My beautiful girlfriend: Please say you mean Presley

Me: Yep

My beautiful girlfriend: I see potential in that

Me: We will always be the best couple ❤️❤️

My beautiful girlfriend: Love you forever!!!!

I'm serious concerned about how boring and miserable my life would be without her.

I absolutely love her to shreds.

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