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It's 8:00 pm.

The four of us went hiking and just relaxed in the pool until dinner time, Lucas looked really good in his swimsuit.

Now we are arguing over what music we are going to play. Me and Presley want Taylor Swift and Cristian wants to listen to Travis Scott, we aren't listening to him. Lucas wont tell us what he likes, he claims it's embarrassing.

"Just tell me!" I whisper in his ear, his face is red and he shakes his head at me.

"I know what he wants to listen to," Cristian says, and we all look at him.

Lucas gives him a wide eyed stare, it's so bad that it's adorable.

"I bet you wanna listen to Ed Sheeran," Lucas somehow turns more red and his jaw drops.

"I don't listen to him that much anymore!" He defends himself, and the second I look over at Presley we both start laughing.

"You listen to basic white boy music?" Presley can barely get her words out due to her laughter.

He continues to shake his head, "I went to one concert with my sister like two years ago and Cristian won't stop picking on me."

We all laugh together.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoyed it more than she did." I speak out but I didn't mean to.

"So what are we gonna listen to?" Lucas asks Cristian.

He shrugs his shoulders.

Presley gets up and starts walking but stops in her tracks, "Do you have a bathroom on the bottom floor?"

Cristian nods and stands up too, leading her to his guest bathroom.

They go inside, me and Lucas sit alone on the two person bench. It's getting cold so I go even closer to him, at this point we're cuddling.

I reach for my phone to check the time, 9:15. Where has the time gone?

"I'm getting sleepy, I feel like i'm falling asleep on you right now." I tell him, it was a long day today.

"Let's go inside then," he gets up and puts his hand out for me to grab, so I take it. His palms are cold.

We walk into the house hand in hand and we go up the stairs. He goes into another bathroom and that's when I realize Presley and Cristian never came back outside.

Where did they go?

I walk back down the stairs and go towards the bathroom, I have a feeling Presley was pretending she didn't know where it was.

There's nobody.

I go back upstairs towards the room Presleys sleeping in, my legs hurt.

She's not in there.

Even though I don't want to, I go to Cristians room. The door isn't closed but you can't see inside, it's almost closed but you could still push it open.

I give it a knock and get no response so I quietly open it a little bit, my jaw drops but I don't make any noise.

His hands are in her blonde wavy hair, they are kissing on the other side of the room. I'm just barely peeking through and they don't see me. I slap my hand over my mouth and tip toe away to me and Lucas' so called room. He's sitting on the bed and looks at me confused, he's wearing boxers. No shirt, no pants, just boxers.

"Are you okay?" He asks me but I don't answer, I remove my hand from my face but my jaw is still dropped. I run onto the bed right next to him.

He just stares at me. I don't know if I should tell him.

I have to tell him.

"They were just kissing in there!" I whisper shout, his eyes go wide.

"Are you kidding?"

I shake my head no.

He whistles and stands up, attempting to pull the blanket down. I get up and then go under the covers once he pulls them down.

I was already in my pajamas during the fire, so I didn't have to worry about changing.

He crawls under the blankets super close to me, "I'm cold."

"You're practically naked, what did you expect."

He smiles and he kisses me. It's a sloppy kiss because we are both laying down but it still feels amazing. I put my hand over his bare back, his skin is cold. I pull away and put my head into his chest.

Automatically, I can feel myself drift off. For some reason my mind doesn't let me, and I wonder how Presley and Cristian ended up kissing. Once there was an unlit match and somehow they lit it on fire.

I hear Lucas breathe deeper and lightly snore, so I know he's asleep. His arm is around me and we are practically hugging.

I close my eyes and eventually, but my brain shuts out and I fall asleep.

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