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I missed him more than i thought i did.

How does he already have this affect on me?

I don't even know his favorite things.

"You look b- very pretty today." he stumbles on his words.

If he was about to call me beautiful, i wouldve been very okay with that.

"Thank you" i shyly reply to him. I love compliments but can never take them.

We drive for another short moment until he stops and parks at somewhere that isnt his home.

Its a pretty field surrounded by bright lights and benches.

He 'owes me an apology' and hes saying sorry by bringing me to a pretty field at midnight.

He opens his car door quickly and before i have a chance to, he opens mine too.

He sits me down on a swinging bench as he sits right next to me.

"Im sorry for not reaching out after that date, something happened in Florida and i had to fly there to figure it out and don't think i lost interest in you because i had such an amazing time at that date and i didn't wa-"

"Lucas" i feel the need to calm him down because he is forcing out words so quickly and nervously.

"Was i talking too fast? Im sor-"

I shush him again, "you dont need to be sorry for that, but i do appreciate the explanation. Thank you for that." i give him a light smile and he releases a deep breath.

I want to know him more.

I want him to know me more.

I want to stay here with him for a little longer.

"Lets take a walk and talk about things we enjoy" i tell him.

He smiles and nods at me, "Id love that."

I get up and grab his hand to pull him up too, and we walk down the pathways of a lit up field together in the cool night air.

"Remember those brainstorm questions, i want to do more"

"I think that would be great except this time ill ask you what i want to know instead of using the internet, it might take a while though." and for some reason those words make me blush.

"So, chocolate or vanilla" i ask him.


"That wasnt one of the choices silly"

"But its still the superior flavor? Duh."

I dont think its superior but i do love it.

"Well what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?" he asks me, and he better not hate it.

"Mint chocolate chip, coffee is a close seco-"

"Youre saying that out of all the ice cream flavors you pick the toothpaste one?" he genuinely seems offended by my choice

"Well you asked me" I say playfully, not meaning to have it come out with attitude.

"Strawberry is better than mint perioid. But at the end of the day ice cream doesn't matter as much as brownies."

"I prefer cookies actually" even though i enjoy both its fun to see his reactions.

His jaw drops and he stops walking so i do too, "What did you just say? What did you seriously just say? Did you just attempt to conpare the best edible thing of all time called a brownie to a cookie?!"

I nod.

He lightly grabs my shoulders and shakes me, and i laugh.

"Don't compare the best of the best!"

He must really love brownies.

I dont say anything back, as im more focused in the way his lips move to speak then the words coming out of them. His eyes complement the stars that just barely are visible to the night sky.

"I really want to kiss you right now" and thats the best way he could break the silence.

He moves his hands from my arms and holds my back as he pulls me closer, kissing me slowly but my heart beats fast.
I smile into the kiss as the butterflies in my stomach are doings flips and cartwheels as his soft lips are against mine. I give my all into this physical touch by deepening the kiss, and his grip on my waste is even tighter. Its still soft. He is passionate about this but it all still feels so light and romantic rather then steamy, and i like it that way.

This feels perfect. We stand under the stars with our feet on the ground but my heart is in the air. I hold his head and his upper back while i show him that i missed him since our last date.

After a moment of a kiss, im starting to lose my breath, so i pull away my mouth but we still hold each other close.

"Im glad i have you here with me again Sydney" he tells me with his forehead pressed to mine and his arms still around my waste, and his fingers linger there like they've lived on my skin forever.

We let go after another few minutes.

"Its already almost two, would you like to go home?"

"I dont want to leave you lucas"

"I have space in my apartment if you're willing to occupy it for the night, it isn't dirty there i promise."

My heart is in my stomach right now.

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