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The last time i was at this house Lucas picked me up and we went on a midnight date.

School days last longer when you know you have something to do right after.

Now Victoria and I are both in her room once again, drinking starbucks coffee. I find it funny how we both have the same order.

Once we get over the actual hanging out which i do enjoy, I need to ask her about Dean. I'm quite nosy but i want to see what kind of information i can get from her.

After we drank our coffee and just caught up on what we did during our break, i break the ice.

"So do you remember that Dean guy you hooked up with then had lunch with at school?"

Her body goes through a slight shock, "Yeah, why?"

"When i was in middle school i used to 'date' him, nothing serious. It was just a middle school relationship."

"Mhm..." She seems genuinely confused on why i'm even deciding to bring it up, honestly i don't even know why.

"I'm just curious on what happened to him, and if you're still seeing him."

"Do you want to know everything?"

"Say it all"

"Well when i was kissing him for the first time, something about him seemed different than every other guy. I wanted more for some reason. I started talking to him and finding genuine interest in him. He'd talk about football all the time but it felt like there was something else about him that he was hiding. But it scared me. One night we went on an actual date and he took me to his place." She takes a second to recollect her breathing and keeps going, "I thought he just wanted to do the same thing as usual, kiss. He wanted my body. I didn't want to do that but he didn't seem to take no as an answer."

I feel my eyes widen in suspense because i didn't expect this from someone like Dean.

"W-what do you mean he didn't take no for an answer?"

She swallows the lump in her throat, "I tried to run away and he didn't let me, he pushed me onto a chair and said i had two options. To give him my body or he'd shoot me."


She shuts her eyes for a moment to process what she just shared, she doesn't seem to be too fearful or upset about it.

"I got lucky and tricked him, I told him that he could have my body. When he went to undo his pants I snatched the gun and ran as fast as I could. I know he's after me."

I don't even know what to say.

She doesn't seem to have a reaction, just plain numbness.

"Have you seen him around at all?"

She shakes her head and twists her hair against her fingers, she truly looks fearless.

"Do you still have his gun?"

"Sure do"

"You don't seem nervous or intimidated by the situation at all."

"I'll be fine, he won't kill me. He needs to watch his back and i'll watch mine."

"Show me the gun."

She gets up and leaves the room, I feel my body quiver.

I've always feared weapons, I've never been one to stay with somebody who pulls a trigger.

She comes back shortly with a small gun, her hands shake a little and i can tell she wouldn't own this gun if it wasn't for protection purposes.


"Does Madeline know that you have this?"

"I haven't told her yet but i'm going to."

Silence takes over the room and i now realize that there's still music playing in the background, just very quietly.

I've been discovering so many new things about people lately. First Lucas opening his heart to me and now this.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this though.

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