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I didn't get much sleep, it's only 8:00 am now.

I was so worried about lucas that i didn't bother falling asleep again, fearing his night terror would return although it's morning.

I don't plan on waking him up anytime soon because he needs the sleep and i have no reason to leave.

He sleeps on the side of me, and i observe his angelic features. I hope this isn't the last time i get to witness this first thing in the morning. Through the fresh sunlight i focus at his facial features. Something about his light freckles and the way his lips part, and the small light breaths coming out of his mouth make this moment so peaceful.

As much as i want to lay with him longer, i get up and use the bathroom to adjust and collect myself, because i definitely don't look as pretty as him in the morning.

After that i walk back into the room, and the movement on the mattress as i go back on it causes his eyes to flutter open.

It takes him a minute to remember everything that is going on around him, i hope he isn't embarrassed that i witnessed him having a nightmare.

My wishes don't come true as his soft looking lips sink into a frown, and his cheeks go pink.

To show my comfort, i hug him closer to me and let him adjust himself on the side of my body hoping to soothe him.

"Good morning" i say softly to him

"Morning", there's a relaxed but worrying rasp in his tone as he speaks to me, i'm guessing he sounds like that every morning.

I just don't get how he can look so effortlessly perfect here, and i don't understand how i ended up in this position.

Although he isn't my boyfriend, i look at him like he's the most beautiful blessing. Like a mother looks at her child. Like a newly wedded couple after sharing an intimate moment for the first time.

I fear i'm too emotionally attached already, because i'm not sure how he feels about me. He's just a boy, just as immature and stupid as the rest of them. That doesn't cause my wanting desire for him to lessen.

I'm able to tell he most definitely is not a morning person, because he still looks exhausted and isn't really speaking. I hope he isn't embarrassed about last night.

Although i might be heading in the wrong track, i want to break the silence so i do.

"Thank you for last night, You are the only boy to bring me on a date."

"I'm honored, honestly" he yawns against his words, "Even though you like frozen toothpaste with chocolate chips in it."

Well when he puts it that way it's hard to defend myself.

"Leave me and my mint chocolate chip ice cream alone."

"I will gladly leave the ice cream to collect dust but you? I don't want to leave you alone."

It's too early for this, literally 9:30 am.

He has an accomplished look on his face due to the wide smile on mine, so i take my lips and i press them onto his.

It's short but it has a tint of passion. His kisses are the sweetest type of demanding.

When we pull away, his face remains rosy and soft.

"Imagine you said no that very first time i asked you out?"

"I almost did, it felt like it was forced or something", i laugh as i'm speaking.

I am so happy i didn't reject the offer, and i hope there's more offers so i can continue to accept them.

I don't want this to be over anytime soon.

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