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The week went by fast, but the days went by slow.

I saw Lucas a few times in the hallways, we exchanged quick kisses and kept moving.

It's Thursday now, and we have no school tomorrow. Four day weekend.

My bags are all packed for Florida, we don't have to go on the plain until 10:00 in the morning.

We won't be there for much time, but we'll still be there for a few days.

He's in my bed right now, we are simply just laying on the same mattress and nothing more.

Lacy hasn't been around this afternoon, I guess she really will be with Noah and wasn't lying to get out of taking a plane.

She's staying with him all weekend, they are staying at his house while his parents are on their anniversary trip.

I can't help but be nervous about this entire thing, I've never met this Cristian and he doesn't know me either. Who knows if Lucas ever brings me up to him.

I guess I have a few days to get to know him in person anyways.


The flight went by faster than I thought. Usually I hate the middle seat on the airplane, but I sat in it anyways. Presley sat at the window and Lucas sat at the end. He feel asleep on my shoulder very quickly.

Currently, we are at the airport waiting for Cristian to pick us all up.

This is my first time in Florida, I wonder how hot it will feel compared to home once we go outside.

Lucas and I are holding hands near the exit, Presley is standing behind us. I'm sure she feels like she's third wheeling a couple right now, but not for long.

Suddenly, he starts walking and gently tugs on my hand, "He's here, we're going."

We walk outside, it's hot out but not too bad considering the time of year.

As we are walking toward the car, I go straight to the backseat and Lucas offers Presley the front, she says no.

I get a good few on his side profile from this seat. He's coated in light brown skin with curly dark hair, wearing a black tank top along with black sunglasses. I'm not sure what his bottoms look like.

He doesn't speak much, except for a simple hello.

The car ride is only about five minutes, and we pull up to a pretty decent two floor house. I can see the in-ground pool in the back yard.

"This is a big house for someone who lives alone," Presley speaks out.

"Yeah," He gives a short answer.

He isn't much of a talker, this is a little awkward.

"Anyways, why don't we get our bags and settle ourselves in," Lucas nudges Cristian and they both get out of the car and towards the trunk.

"Do you think Cristian is cute?" I speak up finally now that the two of us are alone.

"I don't know," she says, "I'm not getting my hopes up for a guy that lives hours away.

I form my lips in a line and we both get out of the car.


Presley is sleeping in a guest room alone and i'm staying with Lucas in the other one.

The room is nice and neutral, I like that. We have a queen sized bed and a nightstand with drawers on each side of it, another bigger dresser and small tv on the opposite side.

How does he afford all of this?

Lucas already put everything in here for me, same with Presleys stuff. I'm guessing Cristian helped him.

"Does Cristian have a girlfriend?" I ask him.

He forrows his brows, "No, are you trying to leave me for him or something?"


"So you aren't gonna leave me?"

"No!" I laugh as I answer, and I pull him into a hug.

I definitely just rubbed him the wrong way by mistake.

"I love you Sydney."

I muffle into his shoulder, "I love you too."

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