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Lucas, i thought i knew it all but i guess there's still things i don't know about you.

How could i think there wasn't more to you then what i already knew?

I knew your favorite songs, but i never realized the deep essence of the lyrics.

I only knew your favorite colors and foods, and your common interests. I didn't know what kept you up at night, but i watched you stay up and sometimes i wish i could take all your strange thoughts away.

I noticed your strengths but i realize, i haven't seen many of your weaknesses.

I can't wait to discover more about what makes you happy, and what scares you.

I wish you would show me.

You're laying next to me, i hope you'll always be by my side.

It's almost eleven at night, almost new years.

A new year that i've gained something i didn't think i'd be living with but i don't want to live without.

Maybe if i were to marry you one day i'd reveal this letter to you, but i don't think i ever will.

Some things are meant just for me.

I will wake you up before the new year so i can kiss you into the upcoming one. For now i watch you sleep because i noticed the tiredness in your eyes earlier.

It was the first time i saw you smoke a cigarette, and it was the first time i saw you look like that.

The only time i've ever seen you upset was when i slept in your bed with you and you woke up from what i'm guessing was a night terror, but you can't control your dreams.

I can't help but wonder what caused you to be so upset today, i wish i could steal the pain away and watch it dissolve.

I hope you are happy, but truly happy.

Maybe you aren't, and if only i could help you with that.

But either way i'll be there no matter how hard it gets.

For some reason i'm so attached to you and the many mysteries of you.

It feels like cartwheels in my stomach when i see you smile.

It feels like when you get all A's on your finals.

It feels like buying a super cute outfit and wearing it all the time.

It feels like getting that dessert you were craving all week.

It feels like happiness, but with a little twist.

It feels like you opened my heart and filled it up.

It feels like you dug into my brain and made all my thoughts revolve around you.

You feel like happiness.

You feel like something that i fear feeling way to deeply to say out loud to you, so i write it instead.

I don't know much but i think i've learned something new about you.

That i love you.

I think the feeling is none other than love.

If it isn't love, then what is it?

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