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You make me crazy.

When I'm falling asleep, I think of you.

When I wake up in the morning, I think of you.

When I see the rain, I think of the way you spin me around on sidewalks and kiss me.

When I see burnt toast, I think of eating it at your apartment with you that night.

When I drink coffee, I think of us drinking it to stay up for new year's day.

When I see the color green, I think of the way your eyes look when you cry.

When I see cigarettes on the ground, I think of you.

I think eventually everything will be associated to you, rather it's a bitter memory or an inside joke.

Every time I see you I feel like there's an entire swarm of butterflies flying in my stomach. My heart pounds so much faster. An entire tornado could be pulling the entire city apart and all i'd think about is you.

That's what happens when you allow yourself to love somebody, it's pathetic almost.


The opening of a door causes my pen to stop writing on the pretty sheet of paper.

He just got out of the shower, his hair is wet and he's wearing a fresh pair of clothes. Lucas isn't a morning person but he won't take an evening shower unless he absolutely has to, he most rather do it when he gets up in the morning. I, on the other hand prefer doing it before bed.

He throws his towel in the hamper and combs his hair with his fingers, and then sits on the bed next to me.  At this point, my love letter is folded next to me and the pen is still in my hand.

I look over at him and see his side profile, he's truly so beautiful. He always has freckles scattered across his cheekbones, but they are so much more noticeable when it's sunny outside. His hazel eyes reflect perfectly against the morning sun shining through the window.

He looks as close to perfect as humanly possible.

This is our last day in Florida, it's Sunday. We leave early in the morning tomorrow. I can't help but wonder what will happen with Cristian and Presley. Will they hold hands and exchange kisses the way Lucas and I do? I hope so.

I look to my side once again at Lucas, he's just sitting next to me and picking his nails. He looks bored.

"So," I break the silence, "What do you think about our best friends kissing last night?"

"I don't know, I didn't really think about that."

"Well when you think about it now, what do you feel?"

"I feel nervous because they're an entire plane ride apart from each other."

I don't really know what to say, so I just shrug at him. He's still playing with his nails. I put the pen I was holding by my side on the nightstand, and hold his hand to prevent him from picking at his nails.

He mildly smiles for a second and puts his head on my shoulder, he seems nervous right now.

Maybe I need to distract him in conversation.

"Remember when I first saw you on the first week of school and you came up to me? It was so random, we like hated each other."

He laughs a little, "My friends dared me to go up to the prettiest girl I knew at school everyday until she went out with me."

We laugh together now, his freshly washed hair wets my shoulder.

"It's crazy how that was the beginning of where we are now."

"Who would've thought."

Our conversation pauses when there's a knock on the bedroom door.

It's Presley, "Will you go in the pool with me Sydney?  Cristian doesn't want to, he said it's soccer day or something like that."

Lucas' eyes light up, "I forgot about that!"

"You're in it too? What is it?" I'm still highly confused.

"Every time I see Cristian we watch a bunch of soccer videos and play soccer," he smiles.

"That's so stupid," Presley says.

He smirks and shrugs and I get my swimsuit out and tell Presley to meet me at the pool.

I quickly change in the room and then go with Presley downstairs to the pool. I don't really feel like going in the water.

I sit on a chair and instead of going in the water, she sits next to me.

" I thought you were swimming?"

She sighs, "Me and Cristian kissed last night and slept together, but not in that kind of way, we just ended up falling asleep together in his bed."

Silently I am screaming, outwardly I want to scream.

"So do you like him?"

"I don't know, he's great and all but we live in Pennsylvania."

"It's like being two worlds apart, maybe you should talk to him about it."

She shrugs, "I guess we'll see if all the pieces fall into place."

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