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That was an okay movie, honestly i would not go with anyone else and i would never watch it again.

We head out of the theater, making sure to throw our popcorn bucket away and our sprite cup.

Usually i hate sharing drinks because of backwash and drinking each others spit, but whats the harm of sharing spit with someone you are willing to kiss?

Still kind of nasty, but i trust lucas when he says he does not backwash under any circumstance.

"I need to use the bathroom" he tells me "wait out here for me but i feel more comfortable if you wait in the womans bathroom"

Thats cute

I give him an okay and he heads into the mens room. I don't have to pee but i walk into the womans to just look in the mirror and re-aply my Vaseline.

Im standing in the mirror looking at myself.

Its still the first day of school.

As im putting my chapstick on i hear a loud thud from the mens room.

Holy cannoli with a side of ravioli.

I rush out the bathroom and i take a peak into the mens room without walking inside but i cant see anything.

In a few short moments i hear footsteps and i am greeted with lucas as he scrunches his nose.

"Are you okay?" i ask him "i heard a loud noise."

He hesitates for a second before nodding his head quickly "it was just a stall door"

I don't really believe him, but if he doesn't want to tell me i dont want to push him.

"Lets just go to the car" he tells me this with a whisper tone.

What the heck happened?

I just let him do whats most comfortable for him and we walk outside, the rain still pouring.

I see a shake in his step and i know something happened so i do something way out of my comfort zone.

I grab his hand and i squeeze it tight, his body stiffens so mine does too in fear.

He turns around and realizes its just me and his body relaxes again and he holds my hand tighter.

I offer to drive but he tells me driving calms him down, which is him admitting something did happen.

He will tell me when he is ready, but for now i will do my best to keep him relaxed.

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