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Both of them just stare at me and wait for me to talk so i do.


They say nothing.

I put my hands on my hip and observe lacys room since i am never in here.

Her room is probably the most normal. She has one wall with just a queen sized bed with a theme of pink and white pillows and blankets, on gold glittery pillow in the front. There is a window on that same wall above the bed, two small white night stands on each side of the best with matching table lamps on each one. The next wall has a short and long shelf on it occupied by books. The first row is covered by pretty leather ones and has a see through door to open the shelf, and the two rows underneath both aren't see through so i am guessing that there are less pretty books inside. On top of that shelf is just a giant painting of pink white and gold flowers all over it. The wall im standing in front of just has a door and a small dresser with all jewelry on top, mostly earrings. The last wall has a closet and a small little white bench with a drawer underneath. There are marvel posters above the bench, and a shelf above the bench with more marvel stuff.

I look to the two of them again. Presley looks like she really wants to speak and lacy looks like she just wants me to start talking, so i walk to the bench and sit on it.

Presley turns the music off and breaks the silence. "WHERE. WERE. YOU?"

"don't be aggressive" i tell her "its not that deep."

"Just tell us what boy you were with." lacy says "and we will go easy on you, but don't leave out any details."

I start to talk about my day at school, about Victoria and madeline too.

Presley interrupts like she always does, "no offense but we don't care about the school day or your new friends, where were you after school?"

Lacy jokes "she was obviously with lucas"

I stare at her.

She stares at me.

I stare at her and cock my head sideways.

She looks at me and her face drops. "You were with lucas?"

I nod.

"You went on a date with lucas?!"

I nod.

"I saw him at school before a class. He told me straight out that he had always liked me but his dad told him if you like someone you are mean to them, and he finally realized that was a load of crap and proceeded to ask me out on a date. I said yes. He brought me to his house. We ate olive Garde-"

"You had olive Garden for the first time? Did you do the noodle thing where you both eat the same noodle until your lips touch?" presley decides to butt in and say that and i completely ignore her and keep talking.

"After we ate we told each other about ourselves, and then we eventually went to the movies, shared a sprite and popcorn, saw mr martel."

They look at each other and then look at me and both say "did you kiss?"

I ignore them both.

"After that we went back to the car and we listened to enchanted and he looked really scrumptious and soft so i kissed him at the red light."

Their faces both light up.

"Describe the kiss" lacy tells me in a commanding tone. "Was it steamy, was it soft?"

"It was very controling and intense but we didn't eat each others faces or anything. We kissed right before i left the car too and that one was really soft."

I don't give them every detail because i just dont want to.

I check the time on my phone.

Almost one in the morning.

"What time was it when i got here?"

Presley shrugs. "I would say some time between 10:30 and 11:00."

I nod and tell them i am going to get ready for bed, i leave the room and presley follows me and shuts the door behind her.

"Now i am the only one without a love life" she tell me with a pout.

"I don't know how to respond to that, but it will happen when the time is right."

I give her a quick hug and i walk to my room, closing my door behind me and going into my bathroom. I have my own bathroom because my grandparents bought the house, so it seemed more then fair that i get the nicest room. Lacy and presley have a really nice bathroom but they share it, it is in between their rooms.

I get ready for bed and by the time that i am actually ready to go to sleep it is 1:30.

What a day.

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