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Im finally free to move out, so me lacy and presley are now
moving into our new loft in New York City which is pretty far from my hometown. My new room is just like my old one. Im really excited to start a new year, but I wont have my best friends by my  side.

I just got my haircut and nails done. I'm going to the school now to get my tour on the place. I am indeed wearing a Taylor Swift shirt and my favorite plaid skirt and my converse.

I arrive at the school with nothing but a fast beating heart and an iced coffee in my hand. Right when I think I'm going to have to go through this alone, I hear a voice towards me.

"I love your shirt! Do you like Taylor Swift? Im seeing her next weekend before the school year starts!"

I look over and theres a total stranger in front of me, but i see comfort in her hazel eyes.

"Uh yeah I like taylor Swift. Like I love her alot. My name is Sydney by the way."

"Oh my gosh! Where are my manners! I didn't even introduce myself. Im Victoria." the stranger excitedly tells me.

"Well its nice to meet you, do you know where we start the tou-"

"Oh my god Vicky you told me you were gonna wait for me to find my lipgloss in the car before coming inside!" another random girl which im guessing knows Victoria makes her way into the conversation.

"Madeline, we have been here for less than ten minutes and you are already driving me insane," Victoria mumbles.

"Sorry" the girl I know as Madeline responds harshly but playfully. "Im just excited and I want to tour this school and I want to know who the heck this chick is"
and her eyes shoot towards me.

"This chicks got a name and its Sydney. Do you know when we start this?"

Right as shes about to respond to me a woman walks towards us.

"Hello. Im the principle of this school, Mrs. Costa. Ill tour you three around your pod. Are you going into junior?"

We all nod our heads

"Great. Lets start right here."

After claiming our lockers me Victoria and Madeline go to target right down the street for decorations to make our lockers nice. We learn about each other and we have lots in common.

The sun is setting as I drive back home to my apartment to tell lacy and presley all about today.

When i get home im not surprised at the sight. Presley is balling her eyes out while lacy is knocked out on the couch. I am about to ask presley if shes okay until I look at the tv and see that The Notebook is playing. That explains it.

I go to my room and get myself ready for bed. I no longer have a swing chair. My room is now just a wall with my bed and my posters above it. Another wall is the same as my old room with a desk and the same polaroids, except now I add a photo of me Victoria and Madeline because Madeline insisted we take one on her camera. The other wall has a bay window on it which I go to sit on.

Today was a good day in new York. The dreamer in me tells me that every day should be this way. My reality tells me it wont stay this happy since I'll be here for a while and while yet to come. That is if all goes by plan.

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