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Lucas is driving me home now, and i feel the most intense silence of innocence as we drive im silence, his hand still on my thigh.

He breaks the few seconds of comfortable tension. "Do you need anything in your school bag overnight?"

"No." i tell him

"Okay. Why don't i bring you home now and give you your stuff in the morning before our first class?"


I tell him thats fine, even though i don't want this date to be over.



"Thank you. For doing all of this with me. Thank you for giving me a second chance."

I know he doesn't really expect a response for that but i give him one anyways, "i am so glad i did. This is kind of my first date too."

Dean and i dated in middle school, and we never actually did couple things. We just facetimed each other and held hands. Hugs on occasion. We had never went on a date."

"Wait. This was your first date? Meaning im the first person to ever be able to do something like this with you?"

I nod even though he cant see me, so i also give him a verbal yeah.

"I hope this isn't our last date Sydney. Am i good enough to get more than just one?"

I hope its more than just twice.

"You are definitely good enough to me, but i haven't told any of my friends yet."

"By friends you mean the two girls that were cheesing at me by the lockers?"

"Yes, and the same two people that i was friends with in middle school."

He furrows his brows. "You mean lacy and whats her name? They hate me!"

"whats her name has a name and its presley."

Im not surprised he forgot her name, he never talked to her and she never talked to him unless she was yelling at him in gym class.

And lacy, he had a crush on her like the first month of school. After that he didn't because she hated him.

I hope both of them start liking him, because i have a feeling he will be sticking around.

"Well now that we have talked about my friends, do you have any friends besides Eli? Like real ones."

He seems slightly offended by the last part of my words, but he tells me yes.

"I have a best friend from Florida. He has been my best friend since i used to visit my dad in middle school."

I want to ask him how his dad his been, but i don't want to push considering this is our first date and he said he used to visit him. I just bring up the friend from Florida again.

"What is your friend from Floridas name?"


"Will i get to meet him?"

"Maybe actually. He still lives in Florida but i haven't been there in years. He is thinking of moving here so we can see each other again."

They seem like they have a really good friendship, and that is really sweet to me.

Lucas didn't talk to many people at school, but he was very likeable to his classmates. He seemed to only consider Eli as a real friend.

From the information i am getting, it brings me to the conclusion that he has only two best friends. That is really genuine to me because i can tell by the way he talks about them both that he loves them a lot.

After chatter that would be meaningless to most but special to me, we eventually pull up at my house.

I see both lacy and presleys car, and it reminds me that i don't even have my car.

"My car is still at the scho-"

"Its okay" he tells me "i can bring you and come here to your house with your bag."

That is really sweet to me even though it is the bare minimum.



"Thank you for taking me on a date."

He smiles at me and instead of responses in words we just kiss each other.

He tastes sweet like sprite. He tastes like the vaseline that i left on his lips earlier.

This kiss is fragile, but strong. The rain is still coming down and he kisses me still.

After a few moments of soft kisses, i break away and grab my phone.

I give him a thank you and i leave the car as i walk to the front door and put my key in the slot.

He waits until i get inside safely to pull away from the house, and i shut the door behind me.

As i walk in the house there is nobody in the living room, but i can hear shake it off playing from another room which scares me.

I contemplate on if i should just try to sneak to my room or go in there and tell them what happened today.

I decide on the second option as i walk towards the music, and it leads me into lacys room.

I get two sets of eyes looking me way. They show anger, relief, and shock.

I dont think any of us will be getting sleep any time soon.

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