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We spent the morning in the kitchen making breakfast together.

I usually don't like cooking with people, but everyone has exceptions and he's mine.

It's like his kitchen knew i was going to be at his house, because he has ingredients for french toast and strawberries. My favorite.

I didn't want it to be over, but he brought me home after breakfast. Plus, i live with two girls who either are worried sick about me or haven't even noticed i left.

I was also thinking of the boy Lucas said was his best friend from Florida. If he's anything like Lucas he should definitely go on a date with presley. I've seen photos and he isn't ugly.

But now i'm sitting here at home alone, nobody's car in the driveway and nobody in the house.

I take this as an opportunity to blast music and make a smoothie, but after a while of pretending to be taylor swift at a concert i'm interrupted by the buzzing of my phone.

It's exactly who i wanted it to be.

The sound of his voice brings happiness to my ears and warmness to my heart.

"Can i help you?" I playfully say to him

"No, I just missed your voice that's all."

I feel like my heart is doing flips right now.

"Well i appreciate the thought but actually i was busy"

"Oh really?" he asks me over the phone "Doing what?"

As i'm about to say it i remember and stop myself, "Well that's just not important."

"That's suspicious. Are you hiding bodies or something?"

"No..." My voice hesitates even though that wasn't what i was doing.

"You look really pretty right now you know."

"You can't even see me" It's a good thing he can't considering i'm still in his shirt from last night.

"I don't have to."

Well now it's definitely good that he can't see me because my face is probably as red as the strawberries i ate this morning.

I just saw him but i already miss him. If it weren't for him my life would be so boring.

"So what are you doing now?" I ask him over the phone.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Maybe you're the one hiding bodies then."

"I rather murder someone then have to eat a whole bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cre-"

"Don't be mean"

"I'm always mean"

"That's not true"

"Name one time i wasn't dissing your interests or saying that mine were better than yours."

I hesitate but finally stutter out an answer, "I mean you're one of my interests, you don't diss yourself now do you."

"You're right i don't, but my interest is better."

"What's you inter-"

"You're the interest idiot!" a random voice out of nowhere scares the crap out of me.

"Presley? How long have you been here?" I can hear Lucas snickering over the phone.

"I've been here this whole time, I just got up from my nap."

I was literally singing my heart out to Taylor Swift, how did she not hear me?

"Well your car isn't in the driveway."

"It's being fixed, I haven't had it since last night when me and Lacy went out and some drunk kid hit the back of it with a freaking golf club."

"Oh damn" Lucas says from the phone which has been on speaker the entire time. I wonder if presley heard us calling each other murderers.

"I'll leave now I forgot you're too busy talking to your boyfriend", She says in a dramatic voice.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"He should do something about that."

And with that she grabs keys and leaves the house, but comes in right after.

"I forgot I don't have a car."

She drags herself back outside after tossing the keys on the couch.

"This is awkward", He breaks the silence.

"Only awkward when you make it awkward."

"I make everything awkward."

I can hear heavy knocking on the other end with a distinct sound of someone yelling, but i can't make out what they are saying.

"Im gonna go answer that, I will uh- I'll call you later."

And with that he hangs up.

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