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"you can play whatever song you want" he tells me

i unpause my playlist and enchanted is up next so i leave it on even though we already heard it.

"you willing to listen to this one again?" he raises his brows and smirks as he speaks

"i don't have Spotify premium, what plays plays"

"wait." he says seriously "you use spotify and not apple music??"

i feel embarrassed for some reason but laugh it off, it isn't a big deal.

"apple music is better, i mean imagine not getting to play what you want?"

"just listen to the song lucas. you're lucky it's a good one."

he chuckles.

The rain is pouring and bounces on the window as the wipers make a gentle squeak sound.

He is driving looking focused on the road, I'm focused on his face.

We slow down because we make it to a red light.

He looks at me, i keep my eyes on his.

"You know, for someone i never thought I'd like, i never knew how much id enjoy being here." that sentence he speaks gives me butterflies.

I don't say anything.

I just look into his eyes.

"Lucas. Im sorry"

"For what?"

"This" i tell him

Today must be the day of taking risks...

I lean close to him.

He places his hand on my thigh.

We kiss.

Here we are, me and the boy i thought i hated, but my feelings changed as he did too. I can hear the rain on the head of the car. I can feel his heart beat, i guess they do beat in sync. I hear honking of horns which makes us realize that the light is no longer red.

He parts his lip so its less then in inch from mine, "screw those people."

And he leans back in, but it gets steamier.

He tightens his grip on me, im at a loss for breath as i kiss him harder.

Enchanted is playing in the back while the rain is pouring and we are holding traffic.

This is my new favorite song, it should be ours

Our tounges interwine so innocently.

His grip makes my heart beat so hard.

I feel like the world just stopped.

We stopped it.

This is so innocent and small.

I am at shortness for breath and i part my lips away.

"Lets keep driving."

He grabs the wheel as his hand grabs my thigh.

He has complete control over both things hes holding because i give in.

Hes a daydream

He's Heaven.

How long will this last?

All of this happened in one day.

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