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Crap. Crap. Crap.

"I remember you!"

I finally meet eyes with someone I never wanted to see again, but I'm not angry about it.


"That is indeed my name."

"What are you doing here"

"My answer is probably the same as yours sunshine."

"Don't call me that. Do you know where the art room is?"

"I'm going there now, we should walk together," He smirks.

"Why the sudden intrest in me? "

"I could give you an explanation to that."

"Can it wait? I have class."


"Fine. Make it quick."

He takes a deep breath before talking, "I've always liked you. My dad taught me if someone is mean to you they like you, and I thought that would be the best way to win you over until I realized how often my father was smoking."

My eyes widen. "What the hell? Are you okay?"

"Give me a cha-"

"Lucas! You're gonna miss class!" I hear another male voice that I recognize and he walks towards us both. "I remember you! Sydney was it?"

The face brings me all back. I meet eyes with Eli, Lucas's best friend from middle school that was a lot nicer and very honest.

"Yea. Thats me. I'm Sydney"

Eli grins and elbows lucas before saying something into his ear. Lucas nods at it and Eli walks into class.

"Can you think about Sydney? I know we didnt get along in middle school but I promise I have changed and I really want to spend time with you. Can you at least think about it?" lucas doesn't stop talking.

"Fine. But can you show me the art room? Im late because of you" I murmur to him with annoyance in my voice.

He nods and after walking down a few halls, we arrive to an art room. He lets me walk in first and pulls out a chair for me next to his. We sit and he smiles at me with rosy cheeks.

He continues to stare at me in a polite way throughout the entire class.

I have a lot to tell Lacy and Presley, and a lot of self reflection to do.

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