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After staying with Lucas for a while, I decided to go home.

I do have school tomorrow so i didn't stay the night.

I know we are getting a four day weekend due to heavy snow this week, but I might not be home then.

There's a possibility that Lucas is going to Florida to see his best friend Cristian.

He wants me to go with him, and take Presley and Lacy for some reason.

Apparently Cristian has a big house, with two guest rooms and a pool. He lives alone in it.

There would be space for all four of us if Presley and Lacy shared a room.

It's just for the long weekend, Friday till Monday.

Now that i'm home I have the chance to let the girls know in advance.

It's 11:00 pm, one of those late nights when you know you should be sleeping but you can't. You aren't asleep because your mind is alive. Your thoughts still rush through your mind on a full time shift until your body goes into downtime and you're sleeping.

Maybe I should just call him.

Facetime him.

Hear his voice, see his face.

It's late but I reach for my phone, going to his pinned contact.

Pressing FaceTime, I don't expect an answer but I get one.

"Hello?" His voice is tired but he doesn't really look like he was asleep, I notice that's he's in his room but he's sitting up and the lights are on. He looks slightly traumatized.

"I can't sleep so I called you, sorry."

"You didn't wake me up", he takes a sip of water.

"Are you okay?"

He pauses, "I just miss your company, I don't like being alone."

"You look like you just saw a ghost, Lucas."

He shakes his head, "I'm sleeping over."

"What? Lacy and Presley are here."

"I don't care, unless you want to come to my house. I need to see you right now.


"You can come over, but we need to go to bed. We have school."

"I know, I just can't sleep."

"I'll see you soon then, don't knock on the door just text me."

He nods and hangs up.

He lives pretty close, so I receive the 'pulling up' text very quickly.

I walk across the house to the front door as quietly as possible, and open the door.

He walks out his car with a school bag and another small one, no cigarette between his lips this time.

We lock eyes as he walks in the house, closing the door gently and taking his sneakers off.

Together we tiptoe through the hallway to my room.

Once we get there, he places his things down as quiet as possible and closes the door.

I lead him towards my bed but as i'm about to go lay down he grabs my wrist.

Turning towards him, we make eye contact again until he removes his hand and puts his arms out for me to embrace.

I accept it and we hug. Usually we kiss each other, but everything is different today.

It's different because I know he loves me this time.

We continue to hug, but I break the silence. "I love you so much."

"I love you more."

I doubt that, but I stay silent.

"Let's go to bed", he tells me.

I nod and he breaks the hug and stops in his tracks before laying down.

"What side do you usually sleep on?"

"Doesn't matter, I sleep in the middle but mostly on the side near the window."

He takes the opposite side, takes his sweater off, and hops in bed.

I go in the bed too, going as close to him as possible.

I really do love him. I'm not sure what made him feel so lonely to the point that he needed to see me, but I appreciate it.

He turns his back to me, and I take it as an opportunity to hold him.

"I've never been a little spoon before."

"Get used to it."

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