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We are home from vacation now, I'm finally alone.

I did love the trip and hanging out with Presley and Lucas, but i've been really exhausted and peopled out lately.

Presley is out for dinner with Lacy right now, I'm still not sure why she didn't want to come to the trip with us.

Lucas is slightly under the weather so we just didn't hang out together after the flight. He thinks all he has to do is take a nap and will be fine after that. It stinks that he isn't feeling the best but I definitely need a break. It feels good being home alone.

As soon as Lacy and Presley get back we need to talk about Cristian, but until then I have the opportunity to get lost in my own thoughts without being interrupted.

Or that's what I thought.

I just barely heard the knock on my door, it was quiet but it was there.

With no clue of who it could be, I can't help but sigh.

I walk out to the door and look through the peephole, automatically i feel fear enter my body.


I don't have much of a choice so I open it.

He looks under the influence, his eyes are drowsy and his face is flushed out and pale.

"Can I help you?" I'm not sure what it is that he wants from me.

"I need you back," His words are slurred and he goes to touch me, I want to scream out in a feeling of discomfort.

"Get away from me! Why are you drunk?"

"I know you want to kiss me. I know that since we had that awkward moment at lunch you've wanted me back."

His head must be messed up if he truly thinks that.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Go ahead and yell at me, I know you just want to make out with me right now."

As i'm about to shut the door on him, he invites himself in.

I know now that I'm screwed.

This is unfaithful but it's not my fault.

He isn't taking no for an answer. I'm not as slick as Victoria is.

There's now way out.

He's going to rape me.

"Get out of my house!" I scream in fear, it's delusional of me to think people can hear.

As he takes off his final piece of clothing I realize it's too late for me.

There's no prince charming to save me, no superhero to bust the door open and take me.

He grabs my hand and takes me to my bedroom, and he discards all of my clothing.

I cry. I cry silently because I'm stuck here and I don't want to be. I'm a nasty slut. I'm a cheater. That's what Dean says to me as he forces himself on top of me.

The fear in my body doesn't slack off when I hear knocks on my house door over and over. Am I hearing things? I hear the door open, and a familiar voice say hello.

He's going to catch me.

I can recognize his footsteps, they come closer and closer.

The boy I love might just leave me tonight.

My bedroom door opens, he stands there. I want so badly to run over to him and to hold him and to kiss and to tell him what has happened to me. Also I want to scream and cry and throw up until I go unconscious.

This is one of the times i've been the most scared i've ever been.

I find it heartbreaking to even look at Lucas, his eyebrows are furrowed. He looks like everything he thought he had shattered all at his feet and gave him cuts and bruises and scars.

"What are you doing?"

I can't even answer.

Dean turns around and looks at him, "Her body is mine now, prince charming."

I feel like everything is ruined and broken. I've never felt to helpless.

What if he doesn't believe my explanations for him? What if he just leaves now and never comes back?

"I- I can't believe you," And with that I feel my life slip away as he walks out and eventually the door slams.

I don't know if I can call him mine any longer, after I've just unintentionally shattered his heart and mine.

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