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Why is he such a heavy sleeper?

I don't want him to miss the countdown to New Years and i keep shaking him, he won't wake up.

It's probably because i'm just gently nudging him and whispering his name because i'm scared to wake him up.

Maybe if i shake him more and say his name a little louder-

"Stop", he groans and drags the vowel, i quickly back myself up.

"It's 11:45, i just didn't want you to be sleeping for midnight."

"Why though?" he still is groaning.

His eyes look super droopy and tired, i feel bad.

"Because it's New Year's eve silly."

He just doesn't respond, and rolls over so he's lying on his back and he throws his arm so it hits my face.


"What do mean ow? You must be the weakest link if i hurt you with my skinny wrist."

I roll my eyes at his remark and pull his arms up so the rest of his body rises off from the bed.

"No, i want my bed."

"You aren't a morning person are you lucas."

"It's freaking night time!"

Not a night person either.

"Whatever, let's go to the living room and watch the countdown."

"But for why- you know what fine."

I pretty much drag him to the living room which is also the kitchen because he has a little house.

He stumbles out of my hold and walks to the fridge, grabbing a starbucks container of coffee.

"Coffee?" He hold it up towards me.

I nod because i'm tired too and he turns around and makes two iced coffees, the container being caramel.

He walks over after that process and sits on the couch pulling me down with him so i'm close to him.

He's been acting weird all day.

After the countdown i'm going to talk to him, upset Lucas means upset Sydney and i don't like upset.

"It's hot in here", he says randomly but i'm actually pretty cold

"Change your clothes, you're in sweatpants and a hoodie."

He takes his sweatshirt off and he has a shirt underneath that, I snatch the sweatshirt and put it on because i'm in leggings and a thin shirt.

I grab the remote and put the tv on to the channel where the countdown is, it's 11:59 already.

"What is even the point of this?"

"So i can kiss you into next year, duh."

He gives a smile and a nod, but like not in an annoyed way like usual.

Maybe he just needed a coffee.

For some reason i feel the need to say three words on the tip of my tongue.

"Lucas", I clear my throat.

He looks at me but his eyes suddenly look more beautiful than ever, he looks perfect.

The tv counts down from ten.

"I uh,"






"I think that i,"




I can't say it.




I just grab his face and kiss him.

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