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Tomorrow i see Lucas again.

It's December 30th, tomorrow is New Year's eve.

Lacy left yesterday and went to Connecticut, where Noah lives.

Presley and I are still in Philadelphia, making sure we have everything ready for our flight that's at six in the morning.

Currently it's 11:00 at night and we are boarding the plane in just a few hours. Presley already has everything packed and is just sleeping at my house tonight.

She sits tiredly on my swing chair on her phone as I am zippering up my suitcase about to put it by my bedside, finally having everything together.

Harry styles is quietly playing in the background considering the late hour.

"So", Presley speaks up in a raspy tired voice, and i notice lacy on the phone and Noah sleeping on her lap. "Do you love Lucas yet or what."

I give her a glance and crawl into my bed, not allowing myself to answer a question like that.

"Can we wait till we are in person to talk about this, i feel left out." I hear Lacy whisper on the FaceTime call, i also hear snores now and then in the background. I'm guessing that's Noah.

"I don't know, but lacy's right. We can talk about it tomorrow."

"Boo", Presley replies and hangs up the phone.

She opens my bedroom door and tiptoes out the room, i crawl out of bed and follow her with a feeling of confusion.

As i exit the room i can no longer hear the harry styles playlist playing anymore.

I see presley in the kitchen holding two bags of hot Cheetos along with two kiwi strawberry juice pouches.

I feel my mouth start to water as a walk backwards towards my room again as she walks back too, the closer we get to my room the easier it is to hear harry styles again.

"How come you and lacy have boyfriends and i don't?" She asks for like the fifth time this month, tossing me a juice and a bag of spicy deliciousness.

"He's not my boyfriend"

She raises her eyebrows as she opens her Cheetos, making a bit of a loud noise.

I open mine too, and start eating them, the bag making a very unnecessary amount of noise.

"Even if he isn't your boyfriend yet, i've still been lonely and single all of this school year."

"I don't know what to tell you", i yawn as i speak, tiredness taking over me.

She rolls her eyes and throws her single serving bag away in my trash, drinking her juice at the same time.

I want to tell her about cristian, lucas' best friend. But i won't because i don't want to get her hopes up, i don't even know anything about him and he lives in florida.

I eat my last Cheeto and throw the bag away too, opening my juice box and finishing it shortly after.

Presley pulls the trendele under my bed and gets comfortable, as i get up and turn the harry styles music off getting ready for bed.

I check my clock to see that it's 12:47 am, and i don't have much time to sleep.

I set an alarm for 3:30 and close my eyes, tuning out the excitement of seeing lucas very shortly.

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