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Of course im not going to reject his offer.

Now we are heading to his apartment, and im so exhausted but am willing to stay up if it means i can talk to him till the sun rises.

We sit in the car in silence, but its a nice silence.

His hand rests on my lap as i watch him as he drives.

I hope he doesn't think im sleeping in these  clothes, he better give me his.

We arrive his flat and i feel so comfortable already, something about it feels so comforting.

"These jeans are getting annoying, im going to change. Would you like clothes to sleep in as well?"

Of course i nod my head and i feel the warmess in my cheeks as he heads into his room.

After about two minutes he returns in his own comfy clothes hugging his body, and more in his hands as he nervously hands them to me.

"I have spare toothbrushes in the cabinet in my bathroom, go do whatever you need to do in there and ill be waiting in my room."

I watch him leave and take it as a signal to get myself ready.

Luckily i always keep makeup wipes in my purse, so i take care of my face and my teeth. I unfold the shirt to put it on. Its a white shirt with race cars on it. Is he into racing? Thats adorable. I strip my own clothes off and change into his. I put the shirt on first and then the joggers, and i tied them to the point where they fit fine, just a bit long on my legs.

I exit the bathroom and go into his room. He is peacefully laying under his blankets with his phone, but as soon as he looks up to see me his face goes soft and he puts his phone to the side.

I run onto the bed and he instanty pulls to covers down and puts me under them, i giggle as he does so.


I have no idea what time it is, but i fell asleep to the sound of our nonsensical chatter and now im here laying on his bed with him next to me, but i woke up to the sound of his shaky heavy breathing.

He starts to wiggle around in the bed and its scaring me, his breath still heavy.

I see a chance to grab his waste and pull his body to mine. I rub his back softly hoping it calms him down but he wakes up with a gasp.

He looks scared and anxious, i dont like that.

The fear in his eyes deepens as he looks st me,  "im sorry that happened, i dont want you to see me like this. I-"

"Shh, its okay, dont freak out. You're completely safe here" i dont want him to feel embarrassed right now and i don't like seeing him like this. I continue to rub his back as hes still panicking in my arms.

"I- i didn't want this to happen tonight, i just ruined everything" he tells me and hes never sounded so anxious and my heart is breaking into so many pieces. I don't want him to feel like this.

"Dont say that honey. You didn't ruin everything, you cant control it. Do you want some water?" i completely let that name slip out, but i don't think he hated it because he cuddles himself into me even more.

"Water would be nice" he tells me still pretty shaky.

I get up and find the kitchen and he is holding me from behind and resting his head on my back as i walk.

I eventually get two cups with water and set one down on each nightstand and he goes onto the bed and brings me with him since hes still latching on me.

I just sit there with him and rub his back for a bit longer after he takes a sip of water and eventually he fell back asleep. Its about five in the morning right now.

I pull him under the covers and i go under too and i fall asleep alot easier with him in my hold.

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