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Its 11:00 pm and im still not in the comfort of my own home.

I don't like that.

Im still at the apartment with Victoria and madeline.

When i went over there we just talked about how school was going, very ignorant on the topic of dean.

I want that topic to be brought up but at the same time i don't want to be the one to talk about it, but considering its my past nobody else can do it for me.

I don't care about dean being with victoria when it comes to the fact that i used to like him, those feelings are long gone. I just dont want him to be the one she choses, he doesn't deserve her heart.

But now, the three of us are painting our nails listening to music together after eating a whole jar of cookies and a big bag of hot cheetos after eating nachos for dinner.

I don't think ill sleep very well tonight after all that.

In the middle of painting my nails with vickis amazing harry Styles pleasing nail polish, i mess up due to the vibration of my phone.

Madeline looks over and smirks, and goes to look at me with a look.

"What?" i ask her in confusion

"Check for yourself" she eagerly tells me, and i look to my phone

Incoming phone call from Lucas

What in the world.

We haven't spoken in a few days.

Madeline looks pissed when i don't pick up, so she does it for me, puts my phone in my hand, and shoves me out the room.

I take defeat as im standing in the hallway now.

"Hi?" i say into the phone as im still confused hes even calling me.

"Hi, are you available tomorrow? I owe you an apology, and its never as good over the phone. Id talk to you now but it felt rude to even call this late."

I find it so sweet that he feels the need to apologize, he doesn't even have anything to actually be sorry for.

Or maybe he does and i have no idea.

"Im available now and tomorrow actually"
Even though im tired i tell him that because theres nothing id want more then to talk to the person ive been thinking about since the second i parted ways from him.

"Can i pick you up at midnight? Make up for being so absent for a few days yeah?"


"Thats sounds great, ill be ready."

We settle the plan and hang up.

"Girls, i gotta go. I have a lucas to see."

"Tell him to pick you up here, i want to do your makeup and give you a pretty but casual outfit." victoria tells me, and i wasnt going to change but I'll trust her, she has a good choice in clothes.

We took about half an hour to get me ready, its ten minutes before midnight now.

Now I'm wearing my same cropped sweater but with a black skirt and my same white platform shoes i came in, my black and white flannel jacket on to keep me warm and some light blush, i already had eye makeup on from earlier today.

After a few minutes of getting myself together the doorbell rings, and i follow him into his car, ready to spend however much time with him again.

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