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Presley is an absolute pain.

I just want her to stay here so she can see Cristian and fall in love.

As of my knowledge, Cristian has a bit of a thing for Presley and wants to see her. I can't forgot when I saw them kissing in Florida that one time.

Now me and Lucas have a mission to make them a couple by the end of the night, the only rule is they can't be a better couple than us.

Lucas is perfect, and Cristian is perfect for Presley. Lucas is perfect for me but it would make more sense to just say that he is perfect, because it's a simple fact.

As of now it is just me and Presley at ghe house, Lucas is getting Cristian from the airport and Lacy is trying to find something to give Lucas. I told her not to worry about that, but she insisted she would have at least a card. Cards are pretty much useless in this setting.

The only thing on my mind is calming Presley down, she is trying on her seventh outfit option. She needs one that "will grab his attention".  Everything she try's on looks great, and he's probably in a hoodie and sweatpants.


Lacy got Lucas a screaming goat for his birthday.

To my surprise, Cristian is not in sweatpants. He is preppy. He is in a white button up and navy blue slacks, high waisted.

Presley decided on a soft pink top with a white skirt, she looks great.

It seems that everyone tried with their outfits but Lucas, because he looks the same as every day with his graphic t-shirt and sorta baggy jeans with mix matched socks. He doesn't need to try, though. My outfit is similar enough to his and Lacy is always wearing a pretty dress.

Cristian and Presley hit it off, I wouldn't be surprised if he moved to New York for her sake.

Now I'm holding a soda sitting on my couch watching tv, I don't know what's playing but it entertains us all.

I hid the screaming goat in my room because the boys wouldn't stop using it, we were all tired of hearing it. At first they were suspicious but they eventually forgot about it. I'll give it back later.

I still haven't given Lucas my gift, I don't know when the right time is. I wouldn't want to give it to him in front of other people, but I don't know when we'll be alone.

As of now, we are all relaxing. I'm still on the couch with my soda and Lucas is right next to me, close enough to touch. He doesn't like soda because it "has too much bubbles". I like the bubbles.

Lacy is on the floor leaning against the loveseat, Presley and Cristian are on the loveseat. There is space near me and Lucas on the couch, she refuses to sit.

"You know," I whisper into his ear, "I still haven't given you  your present."

"I don't need a present."

"You deserve one."

"I'll give it to you later tonight."

He smirks, "There's plenty of things I would be honored to do alone with you at night."

"Let's not worry about that right now," I can feel the heat on my face.


Eventually, the night comes. I'm okay with giving Lucas that "extra present", but we have nowhere to do it. Presley and Lacy will be home and Cristian has to sleep at Lucas's. The leaves me no option but to just give him his normal present, which I was looking forward to anyway.

The two of us are sitting in my room when I go in my closet and get my little homemade box. He tilts his head to the side when he sees it, and I hand it to him.

Why am I nervous?

The smile on his face is priceless.

"Nobody has ever done something like this before," His smile is so wide I can hear his joy when he speaks to me.

"I was scared it would be too cheesy, and you'd hate it."

He shakes his head, "No, I love it. I love it so so much."

"I'm glad," I smile back at him. 

"You love me in 100 different ways?" He speaks again.

"Duh, maybe even more."

"I'm surprised you even love me for one."

I'm convinced this guy gets man hormones or something, because I see the tears starting to fall out of his eyes as he allows his head to rest on my shoulder. I engage and I put my arm around him, and he puts the box to the side of him.

After the whole situation with Dean, I was scared Lucas would never talk to me again. I was scared that he wouldn't believe me when I said that it wasn't my choice. But he did believe me, and I'm so grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do if it ended up any other way.

I'm aware that he's crying beside me, but it isn't the kind of crying where you want someone to ask you what's wrong. He cries a lot, and I can tell he's just overwhelmed in his own mind right now, but he looks happy, and content.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too," He tells me back

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