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Three months later**

It's almost Christmas now.

My academics have been pretty good, all A's in everything except for math which has stayed at an 89 all year.

Now it's school break and Lacy Presley and I are all going to visit our hometown together.

Escaping New York to go back home for the holidays sounds refreshing, but there's one thing i'll miss.


We've been doing the same thing for the past few months. Going on walks and talking about our interests. Kissing in the pouring rain and feeling the sweetness of each others lips.

It's almost perfect, but he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend.

I know he wants me and i want him, but why won't he make it official?

I'm one of those people who still want to put a label on it even if i know what it is.

Maybe to him it's just assumed, but i'm going to talk about it with him when i go back to him on New Year's eve.

But now while i'm away from him, i'll keep him in my thoughts and dreams. I will hug my pillows pretending they're him and call him everyday just to hear his voice. I'll allow my mind to flashback on the days when we kiss each other and tell each other our favorite things.

Currently, i'm sitting on the window seat of the airplane with presley snoring in my ear every now and then. Lacy is on the other side of her watching some movie.

Although i could just watch a romantic movie or listen to some music, i'm just sitting here lost in thought.

The thought of him gets me on a high feeling.

Only nine days until New Year's eve when i can hold him again, and kiss him into next year.

Literally kiss him into the next year.

All i can think about now is him, he's been stuck in my mind since last time i saw him.

I'm longing for him now, every piece of his body. It feels like a punishment that i can't have it now.

Being in this airplane is making me feel stranded, how am i even managing to sit down this long?

It's only been an hour and i still have another one left.

It seems like a million years since i've been by him, countless minutes since he's had his hands on me. I feel passionate now of having him in my hold, but i know i have to wait to actually see him.

And it's driving me mad that i can't hear him speak, i can't wait to call him and hear him talk about random things.

Nonsensical chatter from him is like gold to my ears although it would sound ridiculous to anyone else.

I could listen to him speak for hours.

He could talk about a toilet flushing and id cling onto every word.

I don't even know how to describe the way he makes me feel. I want him so bad it makes me hate him.

I'm not sure what love is, but can it be anymore frustrating yet wonderful than this?

I would never admit to myself i'm in love, it seems as if it doesn't even exist.

I'll choose to ignore these feelings.

I don't think i can hide them for much longer though.

It's a shame he'll never want me the way i want him, but maybe that's just my mind playing tricks on me.

I need to stop getting so ahead of myself.

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