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For a long enough time in my life, i thought there were two ways for someone to prove their love. The kind you'd be willing to die for, or when you'd be willing to kill. But i realize, that there's a completely different version in my heart. Because you, my darling, are the kind of love that i would live for. Most would rather kill or die for who they love, but you are why i'd want to stay here and live.

Maybe it's the way your delicate fingers light a cigarette every once in a while, even though it's no good. Something draws my eyes to you when you're fishing your coat pockets for your little green lighter.

Or maybe it's the way you can light up my frowning heart with your smile.

Regardless , I hope you'll learn to love me one day because i'm not sure this stupid little feeling is ever going away.

I can't help but feel this foreign feeling in my body when your fingers interlock with mine, or when our lips attach together in a moment of electric touch.


While looking into your eyes, it's like discovering a new essence of beauty.

Years ago i didn't ever look at you and see what i see now looking at you. I didn't picture anything to end up like this.


Our love sprouts from an invisible root underground. It feels like every day it gets bigger. And eventually it will turn into a beautiful plant.

I hope that it never dies.


Waking up next to him this morning feels like such a blessing.

Maybe one day this will happen every morning.

I'm way too ahead of myself.

His morning eyes are wet and puffy. There's a bit more drowsiness to them than usual and i think it's because he's probably still exhausted from yesterday.

Why is it cute to me?

How come he's just so cute?

Not sure who he thinks he is walking into my life and becoming the heading of all of my thoughts.

The bruises on his neck mark my territory, sadly it's a hidden treasure that the rest of the world can't see.

Neither of us feel the need for even speak right now, we just look into each others eyes.

The most comfortable silence.

He looks at me some way that nobody ever has, his lips are parted slightly.

I just want to tell him so bad that I love him.

I wish i could read his mind, so i could see how he feels about me.

I've always been such a person of imagination. I just can't help but think that none of this is even real.

I notice a slight wave of nerve on his face that wasn't there before.



He pauses, "You're like my best friend."

That felt like a wave of electricity.

His features change, a bit of shock shows through his eyebrows and his lips and parted still.

"You okay?"

He nods, "I just never thought i'd need someone like you around so bad."

Those few words weren't much, but his face says enough.

I usually find it easy to speak up and tell people how i feel but i'm so terrified to tell him i love him.

Bringing my body closer to his, I put my arm around his back and hug him.

Hugging him in a bed is like an improved version of snuggling.

I hate physical touch with everyone but him.

He's just so flawlessly imperfect.

I just hold him as tight as I can.

He's like my best friend.

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