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The rain is pouring hard and my heart is beating fast. After enchanted played lucas turned the music down because he said he'd rather just get to know me for the next  three minutes left.

"What was your friend there saying about those tickets?"

"Thats Victoria. The movie tickets are for like 9:00. We seriously don't have to go if you don't-"

"I want to go. I like movies, and my house is pretty boring."

I nod my head even though he isn't looking in my direction.

I watch him as he intensely but gently drives, his eyes focused on the streets in front of him.

He looks pretty, but I would never tell him that.

We shortly arrive at a little house.

He hops out the car quick so he can open my door.

I'm growing so soft.

We walk towards the entrance of the cozy looking home with white and grey exterior.

As he opens the door I am welcomed first with a grey couch with a coffee table and tv over the tv stand.

He has a wall of framed pictures also. A baby that looks like lucas that I am guessing is him with a little girl that looks a few years older than him. A sister I am guessing.

Before I can think anymore he interrupts my thoughts. "Are you looking at those pictures? Most of them are just me with either my sisters or mum."

I nod "do you have any brothers?"

He hesitates and his face calms but tenses at the same time.

"No. No I don't have a brother figure in my life."

I feel bad for asking.

"Well tell me more about your sisters. How many do you have?"

He gives a small smile and he walks closer to the frames and i follow him.

"Well", he says pointing the the first photo i saw, "thats my sister McKenzie. She is four years older then me."

I nod with a grin.

He points to another photo, this I know that was taken in middle school. That's how he looked when we'd argue over meaningless things all the time.

I knew that flame with more than what we thought was just a heated argument.

"That is me with my two younger sisters, Maddison and Megan."

He takes a step again to a photo with him and all of his sisters with another woman. "That is my amazing mother."

I smile at the adjective he added to that sentence, and i give him a quick nod.

"You have a beautiful family Lucas."

He stays silent for a quick moment before my phone starts ringing.

"You should answer that. I still have to call my mom and tell her about my day. You stay in here and talk to whoever is calling you and I will go in my room. See you in a few?"

I nod.

Hes so sweet. What changed him?

I answer my phone. Its lacy.

Shes sitting on the other end on noahs couch.

Her and Noah have been dating since middle school.

Love sprouts from the most invisible root in the ground.

"Sydney! Where have you been."

"Its a long story lace. I'll explain later."

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