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It's been a long, tiring week.

So much work, so little hanging out with Lucas.

But it's finally Friday. Lacy and Presley are going to a winter festival overnight so i think i'm going to invite him over.

I know i'm going to invite him over.

I want to see him.

Once Presley and Lacy leave i'll call him, them living with me is the main reason why he never comes over here.

Although the three of us all live in the same house, they don't go to the same school as me. We all go to different ones because of the different opportunities they have in New York.

Lacy goes to a vocational school, and Presley goes to a private one.

I go to a normal public one because i'm boring.

I hear two pairs of footsteps travel across the hardwood floor.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Lacy pulls the keys out the drawer and looks at me waiting for an answer.

I push my auburn strands of hair out of me face, "I'm positive, you know i don't like winter."

"And you have a much-more-important-than-us-Lucas", Presley side eyes me speaking in a mumble.

I roll my eyes and get off the couch to show i'm done with the conversation, "Have fun tonight."

I hear the door shut, giving me the impression that they're officially heading out.

Now to find my phone and call Lucas.

I walk to my bed, sighting my phone.

Accept i have four missed calls from him.

All of them being nine minutes ago.

What if something happened and i wasn't there to help him.

Maybe I should call him back so he doesn't think i'm ignoring him.

He accepts my call almost immediately, like he was waiting for me like a puppy waits for their owner to come home.

"Are you okay? You called four times."


"Are you sure?"


"You never call multiple times. Why don't you come over to my place? The girls aren't home.

"Okay. Call you later, bye."

And the call ends.

He's really been acting different since i got back. I know he told me about his anxiety and panics but i feel like there's something else.

I don't know what goes on in an anxious persons brain but i have a feeling they need a lot of reassurance.

I think i should talk to him about being mine and remind him how much i want him, just in case he's hesitating for some reason.

A knock on the door causes my body to leap up and walk quickly towards the door, looking through the small peephole.

There's the face i've been missing.

I open the door and pull him in the house quickly once i notice that he isn't wearing a coat.

He's never wearing a coat.

"Hi honey", his face is so red because of the cold weather.

"Why aren't you wearing a coat?"

"All I was doing was driving over here, there's no point."

I shrug and grab his wrist, sitting on the couch as he does the same.

"I have a question for you Lucas."

He looks into my eyes and nods, which is his way of telling me to ask him the question.

"People keep asking us if we're dating, are we?"

"Well, I mean yeah."

"But you haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend."

"I- I kind of just... assumed that you were my girlfriend." He stutters his way through the sentence, he looks nervous.

"Okay", I place my hand on his thigh, "Well, will you officially be my boyfriend then?"

"Only if you'll officially be my girlfriend."

I let out a dramatic sigh, "Well i mean how could i say no?"

He smiles, "So i'm officially yours."

"You're officially mine."

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