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He looks at me with soft eyes, the rest of the world he looks with caution and almost a coldness.

Reminds me of an 'I hate everyone but you' kind of thing.

I didn't think i'd end up here.

How did i end up here? I've been 'dating' Lucas for almost three months now. Instead of being with him right now, I'm at school.

I don't like school.

The work gets harder but my brain just gets more tired.

We don't share all the same classes.

I'm with Victoria in science and it feels like the clock hasn't moved this entire time.

Time only moves fast when you're taking it for granted.

When you aren't enjoying yourself, time goes by so slowly. Minutes feel like hours.

But when i'm with him, time moves so quickly. Minutes feel like seconds and hours feel like minutes.

Somehow at the same time he makes me feel like it's been hours with him when it's only been a short amount of time.

Sometimes it's hard to face reality.

My thoughts are interrupted by a bell. Usually i'd wait for the teacher to dismiss me but Victoria is running out fast so i just follow her.

She's been acting so weird, I'd say she's changed but i never really knew her.

After the day i saw her with Dean at lunch time they were together for about a week and then she suddenly started acting different.

It's probably his fault.

Now that its lunch time, I think i'm gonna talk to her.

Madeline texted saying she wouldn't be here today or tomorrow, because she still isn't home from her winter vacation.

I'll take this as an opportunity to ask her how she's been since we're alone.

We walk together but with a good distance to the cafeteria, her heels making a noticeable amount of noise walking up the stairs.

I grab my lunch and walk over to our table, sitting across from her.


"You know we might be getting speak now taylor's version?"

"Well actually i wanted to talk to you about-"

"Do you think Harry Styles will feature on 1989 Taylor's Version?"

These seem like great topics but i'm trying to talk here.



"Why don't i go over later, i have to talk to you about something."


I just nod and give in to the Taylor's Version conversation, it seemed interesting.

I'm not used to having one on one time with my friends considering i share a house with two of them, i like doing this.

"Are you still dating Lucas?"

"I was never dating Lucas."

She raises and eyebrow, "Has he not asked you out yet?"

"Nope, but i've been seeing him all year."

"Maybe you should ask him instead."

I wanted him to ask me, but that might not be a bad idea.

I think maybe instead i should just ask him about it.

But for now, at least i still have a hold on him.

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