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Im halfway through Friday, and it will be a good day because im hanging with vicki and maddie.

I consider us as school friends, but i was invited to their apartment and i didn't want to say no.

I love lacy and presley but i want to have more friends too, even though i have social anxiety.

Im in science now, and vicki and i both have this class. Maddie is currently in i believe English class.

We are learning about weather, which doesnt spike my interest so it isnt going by very fast.

Ever since middle school ive categorized the four main subjects, English, math, science, and social studies into two parts.

You can either be and English social studies girl, or a math science girl.

Im an english social studies girl.

This is our class before lunch break, and vicki said she has someone that shes seeing and i want to see him too.

She told me she never finds one guy, and she just likes messing with people. But she also told me she really enjoyed this guy and is eating lunch with him, so she probably wouldnt mind doing him again if she is eating with him the next day.

After the science teacher going on about snow and hail and other random things about weather, the bell rings. I always wait to be told that im dismissed, i feel its rude to get up and leave if the bell rings and a teacher is speaking mid sentence.

Vicki on the other hand is very excited to leave and im guessing its because she is seeing someone at lunch.

Maybe he's a good guy and not a meaningless hookup.

She should really find someone who is there to stay, shes got a nice face and personality.

She walks to the lunch room after grabbing what she needs, and i walk with her. Maddie usually meets us up there.

I lose vicki as she is walking too fast but do spot maddie so i just walk to her and we go up together.

"Did she tell you shes seeing a guy?" i ask her

"Yeah" she tells me "i hope he lasts at least a month or two. She must actually like him if she wants to talk to him the next day."

I don't feel the need to respond so we just keep walking.

I open the cafeteria door and we head to our table.

Vicki is there and we go to her, she isnt really paying much attention to us though.

We sit down and a boy joins us.

Not just any boy.

Theres no way.

We make dead eye contact and he breaks away and licks his lips.


"Hey." thats all he says to me before pulling Victoria away and she seems very pleased.

Simple, but effective.

I now allow my jaw to drop because i am indeed in shock.

Madelines voice breaks my thought.  "Hello?"

"So thats my ex." i tell her calmly but im still shocked.

Her jaw drops too and she doesn't really know what to say.

"Its not that big of a deal" i tell her "i dont think he even remembers me so its all good. We dated in eighth grade."

She still doesn't say anything but she nods.

We just completely agree to not think about that and enjoy our lunch as much as we can.


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