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It's 10:00 am.

I was supposed to board the plane at 6:00 in the morning.

The plane didn't start till ten minutes ago  and i have no service at the moment,and i'm worried what he's feeling.

I was supposed to go to his house at 9:00 or maybe even earlier, as soon as i was supposed to get situated out the airport.

But now our plane has taken off late and he has no idea, i hope he's not one to worry.

12:30 pm.

We are back in New York and i'm closer to him now.

The airport is a ten minute walk from our little house, so me presley and lacy are walking there now regardless of our tiredness.

Once we get there, i go to put my bags down and i go straight to my car, not feeling dirty because i showered in the morning quickly before my flight.

I put the car on drive and go straight to his house.

It's crazy how i'm so excited to see a guy that isn't even my boyfriend, but boyfriend is just a title, and my feelings for him are something i can't express with a word.

I park in front of his tiny house and i walk towards the door.

His car is in the driveway and the front door is open, the glass screen shut.

I give it a loud knock.

No answer.

I ring the bell.


I invite myself inside, the smell surrounding me doesn't seem familiar.

It's smell rather nasty and strange, and i can't point it out exactly but i've smelt it before.

I proceed with caution and go straight to back porch because that door is open too.

He stands there with light flurry's of snow falling on the ground and on his hair, back towards me.

What i see next isn't something i was exactly expecting, as i see a cigarette between his lips.

I've been with him for months and i haven't seen him smoke.

I resist the urge to cough out of my asthma and put my hand on his shoulder since i'm not close enough for him to notice me.

His whole body goes into alert as he notices me finally, throwing his cigarette into the snow. His face is red and his eyes are heavy. He gasps out a bunch of smoke.

He doesn't say anything, his body still looks like it's in a bit of a panic so i put my other hand on his opposite shoulder.

Slight relief visibly shows on him, so i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

He blinks fast a few times and smiles and leans in to kiss me, it feels weird knowing i just discovered he has a higher chance of lung cancer than the average person. I didn't think i'd ever kiss a boy who smokes but it's him so i can learn to get used to it if i have to.

The kiss tastes like a mix of my gum and his smoke, maybe this is what mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like to him because it's minty and he thinks it's super gross

I intertwine my hands with his hair and he places his on my hips, the feeling i've been missing.

My throat feels the need to ruin the moment so i pull away, and start coughing into my arm randomly.

Oh asthma.

I stop coughing and just awkwardly stand there, his hands are still on me in the same place but we aren't touching in any other form.

He reads my mind and takes the opportunity to pull me in a hug.

It's a bit weird to me that no words have been exchanged. I'd call it making out and not being able to resist each other but it feels like something else this time.

Something stronger.

Something my heart has always feared.

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