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Junior year is going by like rapid fire.

So quickly that I tend to forget how close it is to April 27th, his birthday.

It is currently the 19th of this month and I don't know what to get him.

The older you get, the less you expect on your birthday. People will act like they don't care about it but it still means a small amount of something.

I never liked my birthday. For me it feels like other peoples forced reminder to care about me for 24 hours and give me an uncomfortable amount of attention. When that time is over, I go back to being a normal human being.

When I think about it, Lucas has a lot of emotion when it comes to his personality, but I never really get to realize his hobbies. I know that he plays soccer, but what else does he do?

What do you get your boyfriend for his birthday?

There's one person I know with a stable boyfriend.

"Hello?" she answers the phone.

"You home?"

"Yeah, in my room."

"Come here?"

The phone hangs up, and shortly after Lacy is walking in my room.

"What happened?"

"What am I supposed to get my boyfriend for his birthday?"

"That's already here?"

"The 27th"

"Oh my. Did you not remember until now?"

"It's been an eventful past few days."

"Fair point. Did you tell Presley about that?"

"She knows everything you know."

"How much do I know?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know."

"Any more tea to spill?"

"There's tea?" I hear another voice getting closer to me.


"Lacy is helping me figure out what to get Lucas for his birthday because it's on the 27th."

"I don't know, a love letter?" she says, almost as if it's either obvious or a terrible idea.

Just a letter is not good enough.

"That's so basic, plus, I have so many letters for him just stocked in my room just in case there's a time where I need to give him my last words of how I feel."

Lacy's eyes widen, "Maybe don't think of it that way."

"What do I get him for his birthday?"

Presley face lights up,,"He likes brownies right? You can bake him those."

"A letter aside, would writing to him be something you are willing to do in some way?"  Lacy looks at Presley even thought she's speaking to me.

"What did you have in mind?"


"I don't think this is working," I say as I'm trying to properly hold the guitar.

It's Saturday, Lacy insisted we invite Victoria and Madeline over tonight and write a song.

For Lucas.

They want me to write him a song.

I don't even remember how to play the guitar anymore, that's why Madeline is here.

"You guys do realize that this is gonna be crazy awful right?"

"It's the thought that counts," Victoria pushes her hair out of her face and Presley nods her head.

"If lyrics and guitar don't work, we can do one or the other," Lacy says.

"Or we can do something else!" I really don't want to do it.

"Girl what are your other options? you called me for help and I don't even know what he likes."

Victoria speaks up, "What does he like?"

I take a deep breath, "I don't really know."

"He's your boyfriend," Madeline side eyes me.

"He never likes to make things about him. When he does talk about himself, it's never his interests," I gulp.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Presley says almost with discourage.

"Did you have another plan for those letters you wrote him?"

I don't know if he will ever be able to see those.


That Sunday is only getting closer, and I've gotta say I'm stumped.

I know that he would appreciate anything I give him, but he deserves the best thing possible.

And that's when I come up with the cheesiest idea ever.

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