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Pacing in anticipation is the one thing I don't like doing that I still do often.

She has not woken up and i've just been walking around the bathroom like a mad woman, but I need to get myself together and take a seat in that waiting room.

My trick is I take a few deep breaths and splash cold water all over my face.

Works every time.

I'm not sure how long I was in there, but I'm out now. All I have to do is wait for a doctor to come over and say she's awake.


It had been six minutes later and he had not shown up.

I was waiting in the room with Sydney and she was completely out of it, not even aware of her surroundings and pretty much dead.

Her eyes finally opened and it was the most relieved I have felt about anything in a while.

The only thing wrong is he wasn't the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.

The first thing she said when she saw the light was "Where's Lucas?"

That's always nice to hear, especially when you are not Lucas.

The opening of a hospital door catches me off guard, and as I look to the side, he is standing there.

He doesn't look well. He looks the same amount of dead.


His entire physical appearance looks like someone I definitely would get nervous around if I was walking on the street and saw him. His hoodie was crooked and stretched and his pants were half rolled up. He looks like he hasn't slept in months and his hair is messy and his forehead is sweaty. It's either he just got really high or he cried his eyes out.

He looks like he just had a mental breakdown.

Sydney is awake, but she hasn't spoken. I tried to speak to her but she is too out of it to even be aware of her surroundings.

Lucas is standing in the doorway and he isn't saying anything, I haven't even seen him move.

From an outer view, he looks nervous, regretful.

"You alright?" I can't help but ask him, he doesn't look alright but I'm expecting him to say that he's just fine.

"I'm fine."

He's not fine, but that's what I thought.

"What's wrong?"

"I was too busy being completely freaked in my car that I didn't realize she was awake. She's not even speaking."

"If it makes you feel any better, you're the first thing she thought of when she woke up."

"And I had one chance to be there and I wasn't."

"You're here now?" I have no idea what he expects me to say. "You don't look alright, you look like you just got trampled."

Sydney is laying in her bed with her eyes mostly shut but she's opening them every now and then, she isn't really paying attention to anything.

"I just feel like i'm doing everything wrong," he starts walking to where i'm sitting and taking a seat next to me. "I just, she told me something really bad that happened to her and just the thought of it actually happening in action makes me sick, instead of stopping it I walked away because I really misinterpreted what was happening."

What is he talking about?

"Well," I look up at her and she has one eye open, "Have you guys had a conversation about whatever this is?"

He shakes his head and drops it so it loses all its weight, and he looks like he's going to cry. He probably already has.

He fixates his eyes back on her but his head is still hanging slightly, somehow she can feel his eyes on hers and looks back at him.

Her eyes are wide open and she's completely awake now, slowly, his head goes up more and more until its straight again. I have no idea what the struggle between them is now, but it's all starting to crumble down just watching it. His eyes go completely soft when he looks at her and her eyes are scared, but I can tell they are not scared of him. They are scared of something else.

I'm not sure where the doctor is right now.

I almost get some mental form of whiplash as all of a sudden he's running towards her, and I guess she's strong enough to get up because she's sitting up instead of laying down.

Now they are both crying into each others arms.

I feel like this shouldn't be something I'm supposed to be watching but I'm far too nosy to leave, so I watch it all happen.

Lucas is leaning on the side of the hospital bed and Sydney is putting her upper weight on him, and he's holding her tighter  than i've ever seen.

She is crying in pain but he is crying harder in empathy, and they are crying into each other.

This is giving me goosebumps.

I have no idea what even happened that caused all this, there has to be more than just her passing out based on the conversation him and I were just having.

I wouldn't dare ask at this moment what it is, instead, I just watch them hold each other.

It's not something you see everyday, it's the most wholesome love i've seen in a long time.

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