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I hate New York. I wish i never met Lucas. I wish that Victoria wasn't eating lunch with dean. It hurts. I don't know why it hurts. Why him?

I think that one particular moment in the day triggered everything wrong with what has been happening in my life lately.

I didn't want to ever see him again. I dont want him near Victoria for some reason.

I miss Lucas.

I don't know what i even did wrong, why he gave me the best date ever just so he could not talk to me after.

I still don't know which one of us made a mistake, everything seemed perfect.

Real life is not like the movies or the romanticized version of people.

Love only exists in fairytale, or a Taylor Swift song.

Should I call him?

Should I wait on him?

Should i give up?

What i should do is get out of the car and go in the house.

So that's what i do, i get out of my car and walk into my house.

Im about to change into comfortable clothes and sleep my feelings away until i receive a text from a group chat.

Madeline: I was thinking meet at the apartment around five? I'll send the address

I heart the message even though i dont love the idea. I don't want to go anywhere or see anyone right now.

I decide on just sucking it up and just getting ready to go.

Even though i look fine, i tie my wavy auburn hair into a loose ponytail and put on some light mascara since i didnt this morning. I simply wore a pink cropped sweater with gray plaid pants to school already, so i don't change my outfit.

I realize i was in the car for longer than i thought because i only have an hour to get there considering it's around four.

I grab some chips to eat as a snack since i definitely did not eat lunch because my appetite was completely ruined.

Tomorrow is Saturday, so lacy is sleeping at noahs house. I really hope its just sleeping that happens.

Noah and lacy have been together for so long theres no way they could break up ever. Noah has brown fluffy hair and some nice eyes to match. Hes not that bad, but i really don't have anything to do with it so it doesn't really matter.

Ever since Lucas told me about his best friend from Florida ive wondered what he looks like. Maybe he's Presley's type, that would be great.

I chilled in the kitchen for a while after i decided that i should get going to victoria and madelines apartment. I have fifteen minutes to get there.

I hope nothing goes wrong, for some reason im nervous im im pretty sure its because of seeing dean with victoria earlier.

Should i confront her that she might be trying to date my ex boyfriend?

I need to before its too late, but im too scared i might mess something up somehow.

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