Chapter 77

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As I rush into the bathroom I'm breathless and almost red in the face. I sit my head on the wall and try to slow my breathing.

I hear the door open and I open my eyes to see who it is.

My eyes widen.
He lookes so old. His hair shorter than he used to have it but still dark and curly. His puppy dog eyes look a little less innocent from the years that have worn on him. He looked so... so... not like I remember.

"Yeah" he shoves his hands into his pockets and looks down.

"Alyssa told you huh?"

I couldn't hold it in anymore. my eyes betrayed me and began to shed tears. I walk to where the mirror is located and grab a towel from off the wall.

Aaron is standing behind me.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you about us. It was wrong but Alyssa kept putting off telling you we were dating and then after I proposed I thought for sure she would want to tell you... but here we are" he half laughs at this awkward situation we are in.

"Honestly Aaron I'm so happy you two are together. Yes I wish I would have known sooner, due to our history and how close me and Alyssa used to be, but I love the fact you guys are getting married."

"Really?!" His eyes lit up at my approval, the way I remember them being when we were young.

"Yes but I'm mostly upset about Jake. Aaron you weren't there to see how torn I was without him. How many night I cried myself to sleep. How hard it was for me to get out of bed and continue. He was like my drug, and Alyssa was there through all of it. So for her to do this is seriously Fucked Up!"

Aaron rubs the back of his neck.
" was all my idea. Alyssa begged me not to at first, but when I told her how happy you two used to be especially on the tour, she broke down and got on board. "

Maybe I was being a little hard on Alyssa. I mean I don't think she would do something just to hurt me purposefully. Also this is her rehearsal dinner, and I'm kind of being a bitch about all of this. I need to just grow up and deal with it. For Alyssa and Aaron's sake, because I honestly believe they thought they were doing something nice.

"I'm sorry I'm ruining your rehearsal dinner with this I'm probably over reacting I can just avoid him." I try to say in my most perky voice.

"I don't think so..."

"What do you mean Aaron?"

"He is sort of a groomsman, and the one who is escorting you down the isle." He tries to flash me his best apologetic smile.

"Well I will just have to try really hard to ignore him won't I." I smile back at Aaron, and he gets this look on his face.

"What?what is that face for?"

"Do your remember when me and you first became friends I had to run into the bathroom to help calm you down, because Taylor was being an ass. I just think it's funny that it is so many years later and we are doing the exact same thing!"

I smile at the memory of the first few days of the tour. It seems like a lifetime ago, he is right. We are right where we began.

"That really funny! I didn't even realize."

"Yeah, well better get back out to the crowd, before one of my relatives I don't remember starts to worry."
He heads towards the door.

"Hey Aaron?"

He turns around in the door frame.

"Thanks. "


With that Aaron leaves, and all my worry and anxiety goes out the door with him.

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