Chapter 40

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I race into my room and slam my door. I stand behind it for a few minutes. My anger towards the whole situation was building up. My breathing was heavy and I felt my face in a frown.

Why was my life so complicated why did all this happen to me I wish I had never gone on the tour in the first place.

I examine my room for something to throw I see my tiara on the desk within arms reach and I chunk it across the room and with that I start a frenzy.

I begin to throw anything and everything. I tear my artwork off the walls. I chunk all objects laying on my dresser and or desk. I even ripped the sweatshirt jake gave me in two. All papers in my drawers or on my desk were history.

By the end of my tirade a majority of the things in my room were broken. Just like my life, heart and feelings. All broken.

I had let all my anger out and now my sadness set in I slump down on the ground of my ruined room and cry.

I just wanted my simple life again. The one where I knew no heart break. The one where I wasn't broken. The one where I could be in a room full of friends and be content.

I used to be someone who loved life and was content without anyone. I relied on myself alone, but love ruined that

It is the worst thing that happened to me.

And at that very moment I decided love would never get me again. I would no longer have any contact with any of the boys I will get back to my old life and forget them.

Forget everything about this summer.


Don't worry guys this isn't the end I know I've switched it up a bit but I felt like the story needed some major drama. I hope you guys are enjoying this. I've started school recently but I've been trying to write lots on the weekend. I don't wanna be that person who updates once every 2 months so I'm trying. Tell me if you guys like the book so far in the comments! Love you guys



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