Chapter 52

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I enter the room and find jake black and blue. his face was so swollen I wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for the band on his wrist that said Foushee, Jake.

I hear the beeping monitors tracking his heart rate and breathing. Though the sound gives me chills I was content with the beeping if it meant he was still alive.

Aaron came in behind me but he was not saying a word.

I pull a chair by the side of Jake's bedside and grab his hand. I closely study al the wounds that were spread across his face. He most likely had more on his body but that was covered by the blanket. I was thankful I don't think I could bear to see them I could barely look at the ones on his face.

I could feel my tears start to form.

"Aaron can you give me 2 minutes with jake. Then u can come back in."

"Yeah sure." aaron's normal voice was now mousey and cold. I could see he was affected by jake's appearance.

As soon as the door closes behind Aaron my tears start to flow. I burry my head in our joined hands.

"Jake please pull through. I just got you back. you cannot leave me again. Please wake up please."

I continue to sob.


My tears flow until I hear the door click open I quickly dry my face with my sleeve and I see Aaron emerge with three other people.

I recognized Luke , and two older people who must be Pop and Grams.

I quickly stand up and introduce myself.

Grams looks absolutely terrified.

She is immediately at jakes side. Pop hugs me seeing my tears and whispers in my ear.

"Don't worry young lady. Our jake is a fighter"

We all stand by jakes side for about 2 hours and converse. Pop is so funny even in the bad situation. Luke is care free as usual but Grams looks worried just plain worried. Aaron and Luke discuss old memories of Jake attempting to make Grams laugh..

Then I think back to all the memories Jake and I shared. The first night on the tour bus, or when he rented the theatre for me, or even the two of us trying on those clothes, and the tiara...

I hadn't realized it but I began to cry. my tears were dripping down my face into my lap.

"It will be okay he will make it." Gram comforted me putting her arm around me.

Around 7:00 pm rolls around and Gram, Pop and Luke say they need to check into a hotel.

"I'll watch jake wile you guys are gone and if anything changes I'll call ASAP"

The three of them exit the room and just Aaron and I are left.

I sit and just stare at Jake.

"You care about him huh?" Aaron questions.

I really hadn't though about it but I never really stopped. I thought I had but the feeling were always there he was my first love and I've always had a place in my heart for him even after everything.

"I've tried not to but.." I trail off I couldn't finish the sentence without crying.

"I get it. You've always loved him." Aaron looks down.

"I can't help it. I just do"

I stay up till about 1:00am and Grams enters.

"Sorry delay on our check in the boys decided to get some rest but I couldn't stay away."

" It's okay I wouldn't have either." I laugh out kind of groggy.

"You need some rest sweetie I've got it from here."

"Are you sure I'm good to go the rest of the night" I saw yawning.

"Go get rest and take him with you."

She says gesturing towards Aaron.

I woke Aaron up and we drive to my house.

"You sleep on the couch. I'll be in my room I'm waking up at 7:20 to go to class then to the hospital after. See you whenever."

I enter my room and plop down on my bed and immediately fall asleep it had been a long day.

Time (a Jake Foushee fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now