Chapter 22

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I felt like this show was awkward I didn't play around much I just sang my song and kept in the shadows. Even when we returned to the tour bus I just showered and went straight to bed.

Then the next morning no one even woke me up for coffee. I wake up and the tour bus is completely empty. None of the guys where there,so I go in to the kitchen to make my own coffee and find a note it read...

"Come out side of the bus and look to your right."

Incase this is the guys playing a prank on me I quickly change into my cut off jean shorts and a grey v neck shirt my grey vans and I throw some makeup on and push my hair up in a messy bun.

I walk out if the bus to find Luke and Carter to my right holding each a rose.

Luke begins," As an apology for what my brother has done, a surprise awaits you,"

Carter picks back up,"follow us and have a day of love and laughter"

Then in harmony they both say," we want you and jake to live happily ever after!"

They hand me the two roses and escort me down a road. We walk a little and Carter turns to me and says,

"Okay now you have to put on a blind fold so it doesn't ruin the surprise."

"Ugh fine" I tie it around my head and we continue.

As we get closer to the destination my mind goes wild what is this! Why does he have to do something so difficult!

We arrive at the destination and I hear Carter and Luke converse with someone and we enter through some doors.

They take my blind fold off to reveal an empty theatre.

"What are we doing here guys no one is here they obviously aren't showing movies yet it's too early!"

"Yes, but one show is playing look up there." Luke smiles deviously.

I look toward the showing list and I see one film The Wizard of Oz and where the time is suppose to be it says RESERVED. Then I start to realize what is going on.

Jake rented out a theatre to play my favorite child hood movie, I cannot believe he remembered. I told him that the one night we stayed up texting. I used to have at least 5 copies of the movie on VHS because I watched it every night before I went to bed, when I was about 6 and they always broke.

It was sweet of him to remember but it will take more than this romantic gesture for him to earn me back.

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