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Part 5: Small Steps Forward

In the days following their coffee meeting at Java Junction, Kanishka and Darsh found their thoughts increasingly preoccupied with one another. Their budding relationship had injected new energy into their lives, and the subtle flirtations they exchanged during work meetings added a layer of excitement to their professional collaboration.

One evening, after a particularly productive day at BEM, Kanishka decided to unwind with a walk through the city. She was lost in thought when her phone buzzed with a message from Darsh.

**Darsh:** Kanishka, are you free for dinner tonight? I know a great place near your office.

Kanishka’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly replied.

**Kanishka:** I’d love that. Where should we meet?

**Darsh:** There’s a charming little bistro called La Trattoria. How about 7 PM?

**Kanishka:** Perfect. See you then.

As Kanishka got ready for dinner, she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of anticipation. She chose a simple yet elegant dress, hoping to strike the right balance between professional and personal. When she arrived at La Trattoria, Darsh was already waiting, looking effortlessly handsome in a crisp shirt and blazer.

“Kanishka, you look lovely,” Darsh greeted her with a warm smile as he stood to pull out her chair.

“Thank you, Darsh. You look quite dashing yourself,” Kanishka replied, her cheeks tinged with a hint of pink.

They ordered their meals and began to talk, the conversation flowing easily between them. They discussed everything from their favorite childhood memories to their aspirations for the future, each revelation deepening their understanding of one another.

“So, tell me, Kanishka,” Darsh said with a teasing glint in his eyes. “What’s something surprising about you that I wouldn’t guess?”

Kanishka laughed softly, taking a sip of her wine. “Well, despite my serious demeanor at work, I absolutely love dancing. Salsa, especially.”

Darsh’s eyes lit up with interest. “Salsa? Now that’s something I didn’t expect. I’d love to see you dance sometime.”

“Maybe I’ll show you a few moves,” Kanishka replied playfully. “But only if you’re willing to join me on the dance floor.”

“It’s a deal,” Darsh said, grinning. “But fair warning, I might step on your toes.”


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Their banter continued, the light-hearted conversation filled with laughter and genuine connection. As the evening progressed, Kanishka felt more at ease than she had in a long time. There was something about Darsh’s presence that made her feel safe and appreciated.

After dinner, they decided to take a stroll through the nearby park. The night was calm and the stars sparkled above, creating a serene backdrop for their walk. As they walked side by side, their hands brushed against each other occasionally, sending small sparks of electricity through Kanishka.

 As they walked side by side, their hands brushed against each other occasionally, sending small sparks of electricity through Kanishka

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“Kanishka,” Darsh said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. “I’m really glad we’re doing this. Getting to know you outside of work has been… amazing.”

Kanishka smiled, her heart warming at his words. “I feel the same way, Darsh. It’s nice to see this side of you, too. You’re not just a brilliant businessman, but also a wonderful person.”

Darsh chuckled. “You’re making me blush, Kanishka.”

“Well, it’s true,” she said earnestly. “I’m excited to see where this goes. No pressure, no rush—just enjoying each other’s company and seeing what happens.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Darsh replied, his voice gentle. “One step at a time, together.”

As they walked back to the bistro, Kanishka felt a sense of contentment she hadn’t experienced in a long time. She knew there would be challenges ahead, both in their professional lives and as they explored their personal connection, but for now, she allowed herself to savor the moment.

Before parting ways, Darsh leaned in, his gaze soft and sincere. “Thank you for tonight, Kanishka. It was wonderful.”

“Thank you, Darsh,” Kanishka replied, her heart racing. “I had a great time.”

As they exchanged a lingering, meaningful look, both knew that this was just the beginning of something special. Their journey together was only starting, filled with promise and the potential for a deep, lasting connection.


End of Part 5

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