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Part 29: An Unexpected Union

**Darsh's Hideout**

Kanishka had spent days in the well-appointed room, her mind oscillating between fury and desperation. Each time Darsh visited, their conversations grew more heated. She had to find a way out, but Darsh's watchful eye made any escape attempt seem impossible.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Darsh entered with an air of finality. He was dressed impeccably in a traditional sherwani, a stark contrast to Kanishka's disheveled appearance.

Kanishka glared at him, standing up from the bed. "What now, Darsh? Come to gloat some more?"

Darsh's expression was unreadable. "Get ready, Kanishka. We’re getting married tonight."

Kanishka's eyes widened in shock. "You’ve lost your mind! I will never marry you!"

Darsh stepped closer, his voice low and determined. "You will. This isn’t just about us. This is about our companies, our families. You’ll marry me, or I’ll make sure BEM is destroyed completely. Your family will suffer."

Kanishka's heart pounded in her chest. The threat was real, and she knew Darsh was capable of carrying it out. "You can't force me into this, Darsh. It won’t be a real marriage."

Darsh's gaze softened slightly. "I know you hate me right now, Kanishka. But sometimes, necessity makes us do things we never imagined. Get dressed. The ceremony will begin soon."

With that, he left the room, leaving Kanishka trembling with a mix of fear and anger. She had no choice but to comply, at least for now. She picked up the red lehenga that had been laid out for her, tears stinging her eyes as she put it on. This was supposed to be her wedding outfit for Ayan, not for the man who had betrayed her.


**The Makeshift Mandap**

The small hall had been transformed into a makeshift mandap, complete with flowers and traditional decorations. Darsh stood near the altar, his heart a mix of determination and a strange sense of regret. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't back down now. His family's honor and his company's future were at stake.

Ravi, standing beside him, whispered, "Are you sure about this, Darsh?"

Darsh nodded, his jaw set. "It has to be done. There's no other way."

Just then, Kanishka was led into the room by two of Darsh's associates. She looked stunning in the red lehenga, but the fire in her eyes was unmistakable. Despite her anger and the situation's absurdity, Kanishka looked gorgeous, and Darsh couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and for a moment, he felt a pang of guilt for what he was doing.

As she walked to the mandap with her head held high, Darsh couldn't help but admire her resilience and strength. He knew she hated him, but there was something undeniably captivating about her spirit.

The priest began the rituals, chanting the mantras as the fire crackled in the center. Kanishka stood beside Darsh, her mind racing with thoughts of escape, of revenge, and of the life she had lost.

As the rituals progressed, Darsh reached for her hand. Kanishka jerked away, her voice a harsh whisper. "Don't touch me."

Darsh's grip tightened slightly, enough to convey his resolve. "We have to do this, Kanishka. For both our sakes."

Kanishka's eyes blazed with defiance, but she allowed him to take her hand. The priest continued, oblivious to the tension between the bride and groom.


**The Final Vows**

As the ceremony reached its climax, the priest instructed them to take the seven pheras, the sacred vows that would bind them as husband and wife. Darsh and Kanishka walked around the fire, each step filled with unspoken words and suppressed emotions.

When it came time for the sindoor, Darsh took a pinch of the red powder, pausing as he looked at Kanishka. "Are you ready for this?"

Kanishka's voice was icy. "Just get it over with."

Darsh applied the sindoor to her forehead, and the priest declared them married. Kanishka felt a wave of anger and helplessness wash over her. This was not how her life was supposed to be.


**After the Ceremony**

As the guests—composed mostly of Darsh’s associates—dispersed, Darsh led Kanishka to a secluded room. He shut the door behind them, turning to face her.

"You're my wife now, Kanishka. We’ll make this work."

Kanishka laughed bitterly. "Work? You think this is going to work? You’ve trapped me, Darsh. This will never be a real marriage."

Darsh's expression hardened. "It will be, in time. You’ll see."

Kanishka took a step towards him, her eyes cold. "I'll never forgive you for this. Never."

Darsh sighed, the weight of his actions pressing down on him. "I know you hate me now, Kanishka. But someday, maybe you'll understand why I did this."

Kanishka turned away, her heart heavy with anger and sorrow. She had to find a way out of this mess, but for now, she was trapped in a marriage she never wanted, with a man she couldn't trust.


**At Ayan's House**

Meanwhile, at Ayan's house, confusion and tension were at an all-time high. Aarushi, now married to Ayan, tried to make sense of what had happened. She knew Kanishka had been taken, but the details were still unclear.

Ayan was pacing the room, frustration etched on his face. "We need to find her, Aarushi. She wouldn't just disappear like this."

Aarushi nodded, trying to calm him. "We'll find her, Ayan. But we need to be careful. Darsh is dangerous."

Ayan's eyes were filled with determination. "I won't let him get away with this. Not after everything he's done."

Aarushi placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get her back, Ayan. But we need to be smart about this."

As they began their search for Kanishka, the reality of their situation sank in. Kanishka was now married to Darsh, and finding her would be no easy task. But they were determined to bring her back, no matter the cost.


**Back at the Hideout**

Kanishka sat in the dimly lit room, her heart aching with a mix of anger and despair. She was married to Darsh, a man she couldn't trust, and her life was now a tangled web of deceit and betrayal. She knew she had to find a way out, but for now, all she could do was wait and hope for a chance to escape.

Darsh, standing outside the room, felt a pang of guilt and regret. He knew what he had done was wrong, but there was no turning back now. He had to make this work, for both their sakes.

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