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Part 25: The Search Begins

The wedding guests were in a state of shock and confusion. As the whispers grew louder, Ayan moved quickly through the hall, his mind racing. He needed to find Kanishka.

Darsh stood at the edge of the room, watching the chaos unfold with a sense of calm. He felt a strange relief knowing that Kanishka was not going through with the wedding to Ayan.

Ayan burst through the doors of the wedding hall and hurried to Kanishka’s room. He found it empty, just as Aarushi had said. His heart pounded in his chest. Where could she be?

He turned to one of the servants. “Have you seen Kanishka?” he asked urgently.

The servant shook his head. “No, sir. I haven’t seen her since this morning.”

Ayan ran a hand through his hair, frustration and worry etched on his face. He needed to find her, and fast. He started asking everyone he saw if they had seen Kanishka, but no one had any answers.

Back in the wedding hall, Darsh observed Ayan’s frantic search. A small, satisfied smile played on his lips, but he quickly hid it. He needed to remain composed. He knew that if anyone suspected him, things could get messy.

As Ayan continued his search, a thought struck him. Could Darsh be behind this? He knew Darsh had feelings for Kanishka, and they had a complicated history. His mind raced with possibilities.

Ayan returned to the hall and made his way toward Darsh. “Darsh,” he called out, his voice edged with suspicion. “Have you seen Kanishka?”

Darsh turned to face Ayan, his expression calm. “No, I haven’t seen her,” he replied smoothly. “Is everything alright?”

Ayan narrowed his eyes. “Kanishka is missing, Darsh. I have a feeling you know more than you’re letting on.”

Darsh raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “Why would I know where she is, Ayan? I’ve been here with everyone else.”

Ayan clenched his fists, trying to control his anger. “I don’t trust you, Darsh. If I find out you had anything to do with this, there will be consequences.”

Darsh met Ayan’s gaze steadily. “I understand your concern, but I assure you, I have nothing to do with Kanishka’s disappearance.”

Ayan didn’t respond. Instead, he turned and walked away, his mind whirling with thoughts and suspicions. He needed to find Kanishka, and he wouldn’t rest until he did.

Darsh watched him go, a sense of satisfaction bubbling inside him. He had managed to stay out of the spotlight, at least for now. But he knew Ayan’s suspicion was dangerous. He would have to be careful.


This part explores Ayan’s frantic search for Kanishka, his growing suspicion of Darsh, and Darsh’s cautious relief and strategic thinking. It sets the stage for further tension and drama in the unfolding story.

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