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**Part 55: Unstoppable Desire**

The ride back home from the wedding was filled with an electric tension. Kanishka could feel Darsh's eyes on her the entire time, his desire almost palpable. She tried to focus on the road, but the intensity of his gaze made her heart race.

As soon as they stepped through the front door of their home, Darsh couldn't hold back any longer. He turned to Kanishka, his eyes dark with longing, and pulled her into his arms. His lips crashed down on hers with a hunger that took her breath away. Kanishka responded with equal fervor, her hands tangling in his hair as she kissed him back.

Darsh's hands roamed over her body, feeling the smooth silk of her saree and the warmth of her skin beneath it. He lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to their bedroom without breaking the kiss. Kanishka's heart pounded in her chest as he laid her gently on the bed, his body pressing down on hers.

"I can't control myself any longer," Darsh whispered against her lips, his voice rough with desire. "You look so stunning, Kanishka. I need you."

Kanishka's breath hitched as she looked into his eyes, seeing the raw emotion there. She nodded, unable to find her voice, and pulled him closer. Darsh's kisses grew more urgent, more demanding, as he undid the delicate pleats of her saree. His hands explored every inch of her, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Their clothes were discarded in a frenzy, and Darsh's mouth moved to Kanishka's neck, then her shoulders, and lower still. She gasped and arched against him, her hands clutching at his back as he worshipped her body with his lips and tongue. The room filled with their soft moans and the sound of their rapid breathing.

Darsh's need for her was insatiable. He entered her with a force that made Kanishka cry out, her nails digging into his skin. They moved together, their bodies locked in a primal rhythm that seemed to consume them both. Darsh's hands gripped her hips, guiding her movements as he took her harder and faster.

They made love with a fierce intensity that left them both breathless. Darsh couldn't get enough of her, his desire growing with every touch, every kiss. He lost himself in her, his mind blank except for the overwhelming need to be with her, to possess her completely.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, only to wake a few hours later, their desire reigniting. Darsh kissed Kanishka awake, his hands already exploring her body again. She moaned softly as he moved over her, his lips trailing down her neck.

"Darsh," she whispered, her voice trembling. "We need to rest..."

"I can't stop," he replied, his voice hoarse with need. "I need you, Kanishka. I can't get enough of you."

Kanishka couldn't resist him. She surrendered to his touch, her body responding to his every caress. They made love again and again, their passion undiminished. Darsh was relentless, his need for her driving him to take her in every way he could. Kanishka clung to him, her own desire matching his as they lost themselves in each other.

Morning light streamed through the windows, but Darsh didn't stop. He kissed Kanishka deeply, his hands roaming over her body as he moved inside her. She cried out his name, her fingers digging into his shoulders as they reached the peak of their passion together.

By the time they finally collapsed, exhausted and spent, Kanishka could barely stand. Her legs trembled, and she leaned heavily on Darsh for support. He held her close, his breathing ragged as he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Kanishka nodded, her eyes fluttering open to meet his. "I'm fine," she whispered, a tired smile playing on her lips. "Just... a little tired."

Darsh chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Me too," he admitted. "But I couldn't stop. I needed you so much."

Kanishka's smile widened, and she leaned up to kiss him softly. "I needed you too," she said. "But now, we really should get some rest."

Darsh nodded, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. "You're right," he said, his voice filled with love. "Let's sleep."

They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, their bodies tangled together. The night had been long and filled with passion, but as they drifted off to sleep, they both knew that their love for each other was stronger than ever.

The days that followed were filled with a new sense of closeness. Darsh and Kanishka found themselves drawn to each other more and more, their bond deepening with every passing moment. Despite the challenges they had faced, their love had endured, and they were ready to face whatever the future held, together.

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