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Part 37: The Reception Party

The grand ballroom of the luxurious hotel glittered with crystal chandeliers and soft, ambient lighting. Tables were adorned with elegant flower arrangements, and the air buzzed with the murmur of guests mingling. It was a night to remember, a night that should have been filled with genuine joy and celebration. Instead, it was a night of forced smiles and hidden tensions.

Darsh had decided to host a reception party to manage the media frenzy that followed their sudden marriage. The whispers and speculations were growing too loud, and he knew that a public display of unity was necessary to silence them. He had orchestrated the event with meticulous detail, ensuring that every influential figure, including Kanishka's family and Ayan's, was invited.

Kanishka stood in front of the mirror, dressed in a stunning emerald green gown that hugged her figure perfectly. Her makeup was flawless, her hair styled in an intricate updo, and she wore a set of diamonds that sparkled almost as brightly as her forced smile. She stared at her reflection, trying to muster the strength to face the evening.

Darsh entered the room, adjusting his cufflinks. He looked at Kanishka, his expression unreadable. "Are you ready?" he asked, his tone devoid of warmth.

Kanishka took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, I'm ready."

They walked down the grand staircase together, arm in arm, presenting a picture-perfect couple to the waiting guests. The room erupted in applause as they made their entrance, the sound echoing hollowly in Kanishka's ears. She plastered on a smile, trying to ignore the turmoil in her heart.

The reception was in full swing, with guests mingling, laughing, and toasting to the newlyweds. Kanishka moved through the crowd, greeting people, her smile never faltering. Darsh stayed close by her side, his hand resting possessively on her waist. They exchanged pleasantries with their guests, their interactions mechanical and rehearsed.

Sweta, Kanishka's younger sister, approached them with a bright smile. "You both look amazing! Congratulations again."

Kanishka hugged her sister tightly. "Thank you, Sweta," she said, her voice tinged with sadness that only Sweta could detect.

Ayan's family arrived shortly after. Ayan himself walked in, his face set in a mask of polite indifference. His parents followed, their expressions strained. The tension in the room escalated as Ayan and Darsh exchanged a curt nod.

Ayan made his way over to Kanishka. "Congratulations," he said, his voice stiff.

Kanishka forced a smile. "Thank you, Ayan. I'm glad you could make it."

The small talk felt excruciating, each word loaded with unspoken emotions. Darsh watched the interaction closely, his jaw tightening.

As the evening progressed, the couple moved to the dance floor for their first dance. The band struck up a romantic tune, and Darsh took Kanishka's hand, leading her in a slow waltz. They moved gracefully, their bodies close, but there was a palpable distance between them.

"Smile," Darsh whispered through gritted teeth. "The cameras are watching."

Kanishka complied, her smile brittle. "I hate this," she murmured back.

"I know," Darsh replied, his voice low. "But we have to do this."

They continued to dance, their movements fluid and practiced, but their hearts were miles apart. The guests watched, oblivious to the silent battle between the newlyweds.

After the dance, they mingled once more. Kanishka's parents approached them, their expressions a mix of concern and forced cheerfulness.

"Congratulations, Darsh," Mr. Rao said, shaking his hand. "You two make a beautiful couple."

"Thank you, Mr. Rao," Darsh replied smoothly. "We're very happy."

Kanishka's mother hugged her tightly. "You look stunning, dear. How are you holding up?"

Kanishka's smile wavered. "I'm fine, Mom. Just trying to get through the night."

Her mother squeezed her hand, her eyes filled with understanding. "We're here for you, always."

The reception continued, a blur of conversations and toasts. Kanishka felt like she was suffocating under the weight of the charade. She excused herself and slipped out onto the balcony, needing a moment to breathe.

Darsh followed her, closing the door behind them. "Kanishka," he began, his voice softer than before.

She turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I can't do this, Darsh. This isn't right."

Darsh looked at her, his expression conflicted. "We have to. For the sake of appearances, for the company, for everything."

Kanishka shook her head. "But what about us? This... this marriage is a lie."

Darsh stepped closer, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. "I know it's hard. But we have to see this through. Just for tonight."

Kanishka looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of the man she once knew. But all she saw was determination and a hint of regret. She sighed, nodding reluctantly. "Fine. Just for tonight."

They returned to the party, their masks firmly in place. The night dragged on, each moment feeling like an eternity. Finally, the guests began to leave, offering their congratulations and well-wishes one last time.

As the last of the guests departed, Kanishka felt a wave of relief wash over her. She turned to Darsh, her expression weary. "Can we go now?"

Darsh nodded, offering her his arm. "Let's go."

They left the ballroom, the facade of the perfect couple still intact, but cracks beginning to show. The drive home was silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Kanishka stared out the window, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. Darsh focused on the road, his jaw set in a grim line.

When they finally reached home, Kanishka couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She ran up to their room, slamming the door behind her. Darsh followed, but hesitated outside the door, unsure of what to do.

He took a deep breath and knocked softly. "Kanishka, can we talk?"

There was no response. He opened the door slowly, finding her sitting on the edge of the bed, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He walked over and sat beside her, unsure of how to comfort her.

"Kanishka," he began, his voice gentle. "I know this is hard. But we have to stay strong. For the sake of everything we've built."

Kanishka looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen. "But at what cost, Darsh? We're losing ourselves in this."

Darsh sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know. But we have to keep going. Just for a little while longer."

Kanishka shook her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "I don't know if I can."

Darsh pulled her into a gentle embrace, his heart aching for the pain they were both enduring. "We'll get through this, Kanishka. I promise."

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