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Part 56:

Darsh was in the middle of a busy day at the office, juggling meetings and managing important tasks. His phone buzzed with constant notifications, and his schedule was packed. As he wrapped up a call, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Darsh! Surprise!" Somya exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement.

Darsh turned around, a look of genuine surprise on his face. "Somya! What a surprise! When did you get back from Italy?"

"Just this morning," she said, stepping closer and giving him a tight hug. "I couldn't wait to see you. It's been ages!"

Darsh smiled, but there was a hint of distraction in his eyes. "It's great to see you too, Somya. How was Italy?"

"It was amazing! I completed my master's, and I have so much to tell you," she said, her eyes sparkling. She moved a bit closer, her hand lingering on his arm. "I've missed you."

Darsh gently pulled away, maintaining a friendly but professional distance. "I'm really happy for you, Somya. But I have a meeting in a few minutes. Can we catch up later?"

Somya pouted slightly but nodded. "Sure, Darsh. I'll wait. Maybe we can have lunch together?"

Darsh glanced at his watch. "I’ll try to make time, but I can't promise anything. It's a crazy day."

Just as Somya was about to say something else, Darsh's assistant reminded him of the meeting. "Darsh, they're ready for you in the conference room."

"I have to go, Somya. We’ll talk later, okay?" Darsh said, giving her an apologetic smile before hurrying off.

Unbeknownst to Darsh, Kanishka had come to his office to surprise him with lunch. She had seen Somya from a distance, the way she had hugged Darsh and the familiar ease between them. Misunderstanding the situation, she felt a pang of jealousy and sadness. The sight of another woman being so close to Darsh stirred up insecurities she thought she had buried.

Kanishka quietly left the office, her heart heavy and her mind racing. She returned home, feeling a mix of anger and hurt. Why hadn't Darsh mentioned anything about Somya? Why was he so close to her? These questions gnawed at her, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal.

Meanwhile, Darsh continued his day, oblivious to the storm brewing at home. His meeting ran longer than expected, and by the time he got out, Somya had already left, leaving a note on his desk.

"Darsh, it was so good to see you. Let's catch up properly soon. - Somya."

Darsh sighed, rubbing his temples. He had completely forgotten to mention Kanishka to Somya, but it wasn’t intentional. He was just caught up in the whirlwind of his busy day.

Back at home, Kanishka sat in the living room, her emotions in turmoil. She replayed the scene at the office over and over in her mind, her heart sinking deeper with each thought. She wanted to confront Darsh, but she also feared what she might hear.

When Darsh finally returned home, he noticed Kanishka's unusual silence. "Hey, how was your day?" he asked, trying to read her expression.

Kanishka forced a smile. "It was fine."

Darsh sensed something was off but decided to address it later. He had a lot on his mind and didn't want to jump to conclusions. Little did he know, the misunderstanding had already planted seeds of doubt and insecurity in Kanishka's heart.

As the evening progressed, the tension in the air was palpable. Darsh tried to lighten the mood with casual conversation, but Kanishka's responses were curt and distant. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was terribly wrong, but he also knew that pushing her to talk might backfire.

"Kanishka, are you sure everything's okay?" Darsh asked gently, sitting down next to her on the couch.

"I'm fine, Darsh. Just tired," she replied, not meeting his eyes.

"You don't seem fine. Did something happen today?" he pressed, his concern growing.

"It's nothing, really. Just... work stuff," Kanishka said, her voice wavering slightly.

Darsh frowned. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Kanishka stood up abruptly. "I said I'm fine, Darsh. Can we just drop it?"

Taken aback by her sudden outburst, Darsh nodded slowly. "Okay, we can drop it. But please, if there's something bothering you, just tell me."

Kanishka sighed, her resolve weakening. "I just need some time alone, Darsh. Please."

Darsh watched her leave the room, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness. He knew something was seriously wrong, but he didn't know how to fix it.

Kanishka retreated to their bedroom early, leaving Darsh in the living room, confused and worried. He sat there, staring at his phone, debating whether to call Somya and clear the air about his marital status. But he decided against it, thinking it was better to have that conversation in person.

The night was restless for both of them. Kanishka tossed and turned, her mind filled with doubts and fears. Darsh lay awake, trying to piece together the puzzle of what had gone wrong.

The misunderstanding between them was like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their relationship. And as the night wore on, the distance between them seemed to grow, leaving both Darsh and Kanishka in a state of uncertainty and heartache.

The next morning, Darsh decided to address the issue head-on. He approached Kanishka as she was getting ready for the day.

"Kanishka, we need to talk," he said firmly.

Kanishka looked at him, her eyes weary. "About what, Darsh?"

"About whatever it is that's bothering you. I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on," he said, his tone gentle but insistent.

Kanishka took a deep breath, her emotions bubbling to the surface. "I went to your office yesterday, Darsh. I saw you with Somya."

Darsh's eyes widened in surprise. "Somya? She just came by to say hello. She's an old friend from college."

"It didn't look like just a friendly visit to me," Kanishka said, her voice trembling. "She was so close to you, and you didn't even mention her to me."

Darsh stepped closer, reaching out to take her hand. "Kanishka, I swear it was nothing. I was just caught up in the moment. I should have mentioned it to you, but I didn't mean to hide anything."

Kanishka pulled her hand away, her eyes filling with tears. "I don't know what to believe, Darsh. It just hurt to see you with her."

Darsh's heart ached at the sight of her tears. "Kanishka, please believe me. Somya means nothing to me compared to you. You're my wife, and I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you."

Kanishka looked into his eyes, searching for the truth. "Then why didn't you tell her about me?"

"I was in a rush for a meeting. It slipped my mind, but I promise I'll talk to her and make everything clear," Darsh said, his voice sincere.

Kanishka nodded slowly, her anger and hurt beginning to ebb away. "Okay, Darsh. I believe you. But please, no more secrets."

"No more secrets," Darsh agreed, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry for making you feel this way."

Kanishka held onto him tightly, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I'm sorry too, for jumping to conclusions."

Darsh kissed the top of her head. "We'll get through this, Kanishka. Together."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the dark cloud of misunderstanding began to lift, and a sense of hope and trust started to return to their relationship.

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