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Part 30: Darsh's Revenge

Darsh sat in his study, the faint glow of the moonlight casting eerie shadows across the room. He replayed the events of Kanishka and Ayan's wedding day in his mind, relishing every moment of his carefully orchestrated revenge.

The memory of Kanishka's bewildered expression as he whisked her away from the wedding venue brought a cruel smile to his lips. He had meticulously planned every detail, ensuring that she would be his, bound to him in marriage against her will.

As he leaned back in his chair, Darsh felt a surge of satisfaction. Kanishka had humiliated him, and now it was his turn to exact retribution. He had manipulated the situation expertly, leaving Ayan and everyone else in disbelief and confusion.

Darsh's thoughts drifted to the look of defiance on Kanishka's face when she realized what was happening. He could still hear her protests, her futile attempts to resist his control. But he had been relentless, driven by the need to punish her for daring to challenge him.

Despite the darkness of his actions, Darsh felt no remorse. Kanishka deserved this, he reasoned. She had underestimated him, and now she would pay the price.

As he stared out of the window into the silent night, Darsh contemplated their future together. He knew Kanishka would not easily forgive him, nor would she submit without a fight. But he was prepared for the challenge. Their marriage would be a battlefield, and he intended to emerge victorious.

With a steely resolve, Darsh vowed to make Kanishka regret ever crossing him. She would learn that he was not to be trifled with, that he held the power now.


In this version, Darsh reflects on his successful revenge plot to marry Kanishka against her will, fueled by a desire to assert his dominance and make her pay for humiliating him.

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