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Part 59: A New Beginning

Kanishka lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind racing with thoughts. The past few months had been a whirlwind, and although she and Darsh had grown closer, she still felt a pang of sadness when she thought about how their wedding had unfolded. It had been so sudden, so unexpected. She wanted a proper celebration, a chance to cherish the moment with family and friends.

She turned to look at Darsh, who was sound asleep beside her. A small smile played on her lips as she watched him. He looked so peaceful, so content. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. This was something she needed to talk to him about.

"Darsh," she whispered, gently shaking his shoulder. "Wake up."

Darsh groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "Kanishka? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," she said softly. "I just... I have something I want to talk to you about."

Darsh propped himself up on his elbow, his expression concerned. "What is it?"

Kanishka bit her lip, hesitating for a moment. "I was thinking... our wedding happened so suddenly. We didn't get to have a proper celebration. I want to get married again, with all the rituals and ceremonies. I want a proper haldi, mehndi, sangeet, and wedding."

Darsh's eyes softened as he listened to her. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Is that what you want?"

Kanishka nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yes, Darsh. I want to create beautiful memories with you, surrounded by our family and friends."

Darsh smiled, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Then that's what we'll do. We'll plan the wedding of your dreams."

Kanishka's heart swelled with happiness. "Really? You mean it?"

"Of course," Darsh said, pulling her into his arms. "We'll do it all: haldi, mehndi, sangeet, and a grand wedding. And how about a wedding night that's even more special?"

Kanishka blushed, playfully swatting his chest. "Darsh!"

He laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "What? I'm just saying, it should be memorable, right?"

Kanishka couldn't help but laugh, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "You're impossible."

Darsh grinned, pressing a kiss to her lips. "But you love me anyway."

Kanishka's smile widened. "Yes, I do."


Over the next few days, Darsh and Kanishka threw themselves into planning their wedding. They wanted everything to be perfect, from the smallest details to the grandest gestures.

"How about we start with the haldi ceremony?" Kanishka suggested, scrolling through pictures of traditional decorations on her phone. "I want it to be bright and colorful."

Darsh nodded, looking over her shoulder. "Yellow and orange flowers, lots of marigolds. And we should have it in the garden."

Kanishka smiled, imagining the scene. "Yes, and we can have everyone dress in yellow. It will be so beautiful."

"And messy," Darsh added with a grin. "I can't wait to see you covered in haldi."

Kanishka rolled her eyes, but her smile remained. "And then there's the mehndi. I want intricate designs, something that tells our story."

"We'll get the best mehndi artist in town," Darsh promised. "And we'll have music and dancing. It will be a night to remember."

Kanishka sighed happily. "And the sangeet. We need to have a theme."

"How about 'Bollywood Night'?" Darsh suggested. "Everyone can dress up as their favorite Bollywood stars, and we'll have performances."

Kanishka laughed. "That sounds like so much fun. And for the wedding, I want a mix of traditional and modern elements. A beautiful mandap, lots of flowers, and a stunning outfit."

Darsh nodded. "And I'll make sure you have everything you need. This wedding will be perfect, just like you."

Kanishka blushed, feeling overwhelmed with love for him. "Darsh, thank you. This means so much to me."

Darsh took her hand, bringing it to his lips. "Anything for you, Kanishka. You deserve the best."


As the days went by, their excitement grew. They spent evenings discussing every detail, from the guest list to the menu. One night, as they sat together in their living room, Darsh couldn't help but tease Kanishka again.

"So, have you thought about the wedding night?" he asked with a playful grin.

Kanishka's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. "Darsh!"

"What?" he said, feigning innocence. "It's an important part of the wedding."

Kanishka shook her head, but she was smiling. "You're incorrigible."

Darsh leaned in, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "I just want it to be special, for both of us."

Kanishka's breath caught in her throat. Despite his teasing, she knew he meant every word. "It will be," she said softly. "Because we'll be together."

Darsh's eyes darkened with desire. "I can't wait."


The night before the haldi ceremony, Darsh and Kanishka lay in bed, holding each other close.

"Are you nervous?" Darsh asked, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her back.

"A little," Kanishka admitted. "But mostly, I'm excited. This feels like a fresh start."

Darsh kissed the top of her head. "It is. And no matter what, we'll face everything together."

Kanishka snuggled closer, feeling safe and loved in his arms. "I love you, Darsh."

"I love you too, Kanishka. More than anything."

As they drifted off to sleep, their hearts were filled with hope and anticipation. Tomorrow marked the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one they would write together, filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories.

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